Writing and editing acquire and login scripts
IBM® Lotus® Domino™ uses acquire and login scripts to make certain connections. A Domino server that doesn't have its own modem can use an acquire script to obtain a modem from a modem pool on a communications server. The server runs the commands in the acquire script prior to running the commands in the modem file used to make the connection. You specify the acquire script to use when configuring the modem port. Check the documentation that came with the communications server to see if the server includes an acquire script.

Login scripts provide information required to access a destination server and are required by some Direct dialup connections. The server runs the commands in the login script after running the modem command file.

You can edit an existing acquire or login script or create new ones from scratch using any text editor. When editing or writing scripts, use the appropriate script commands, keywords, and comments. The keywords identify and classify the script file. The script commands execute sequentially. The keywords you use depend on the device that the script sets up.

Any time you change a script, make sure you save the file with an SCR extension and copy it to the Notes Data/Modems subdirectory of every workstation and the Domino Data/Modems subdirectory of every server that uses the script.

General rules for writing script files

1. Start lines with a colon to indicate a branch label. Do not exceed the maximum branch label length of eight characters. If you specify more than eight characters, the script uses only the first eight.

2. Start lines with a semicolon to indicate a comment line.

3. Do not exceed the maximum line length of 80 characters.

4. Embed control characters 0 - 20H in strings. For example, use ^M for CTRL+M. Use double carets for a literal caret. For example, use ^^M for CARET+M.

5. Specify up to four optional arguments for login scripts: ^1, ^2, ^3, ^4. Then, when you make a call on the workstation or server, you enter values for these arguments, or you enter them permanently in the Connection document in the Domino Directory or Personal Address Book. The values you enter replace the ^1, ^2, ^3, or ^4 in the script when you make each call.

6. Raise the data terminal ready (DTR) signal at the start of script file processing. If the modem does not automatically raise this signal, you must use the DTR_HIGH command.

Editing script files

Script files are ASCII text files with the extension SCR that Domino stores in the Modems subdirectory of the Domino data directory. You can open and edit login scripts and acquire scripts using any text editor. In addition, you can also open an acquire script for editing from the Port Setup dialog box during the process of setting up a server's communications port.

For information about how to edit an acquire script from the Port Setup dialog box, see the topic Configuring a communication port.

Script keywords

Use these keywords when you write a script file.


A one line description of the script file's purpose. Dialog boxes for selecting the script display the text associated with this keyword. Always include a DESC line in a script file to provide users with information about the script. For example, if you open the Acquire Script dialog box while setting up a communication port, the following text appears for the default acquire script (COMSERV.SCR):

Similarly, mobile users who use login scripts when configuring dialup communications from an IBM® Lotus® Notes® client, see the value of the DESC keyword in the login script.


Tells whether the script is an acquire or connect script. For example:


For connect scripts only, these optional keywords precede a description of each of the four script arguments. You may write scripts using from 0 through 4 arguments. For example, you might use the following script arguments and descriptors in a connect script file:

ARG1 is a keyword and "1. REMOTE DTE ADDRESS:" is the description that appears in the Call Setup dialog box. ARG2, ARG3, and ARG4 are keywords. "X. None entered:" lets users enter arguments when making the call. Users can enter arguments when they choose File - Mobile - Call Server, select More Options, and then select Call Setup; or they can enter arguments in the Notes Direct Dialup Connection document in the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Directory or Personal Address Book.

See also