Installing Domino on Linux on zSeries systems
Before you install the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ program files on a Linux® on zSeries system, do the following:
1. Copy the Domino installation tar file, ZLINUX.TAR.GZ, from the CD ROM at your workstation to a Linux® on zSeries file system where it can be expanded and utilized for the installation steps. Be sure to transfer the file using a binary method. For example, for FTP, set the transfer mode to "binary". Neither the tar file nor its contents are required after installation has completed.

2. Expand the tar file by issuing the following shell command on Linux for zSeries:

3. (Optional) Delete the tar file to save disk space.

4. Change to the directory containing the Domino install script:

When the installation is complete (interactive mode or script mode), both the tar file and the "zlinux" subdirectory created by its expansion can be deleted.

You can install multiple instances of the Domino server on a single system. The instances can be the same release of Domino or different releases. If you install different releases, only one instance can be earlier than the current Domino release.

If you want all instances to be the same release, it is best to install a Domino partitioned server because all Domino partitions then share one program directory and, by doing so, conserve system resources. If you install a single Domino server and later want to make it a partitioned server, you can do so without removing the initial installation. When you have multiple instances of the Domino server, each with a separate program directory, one or more of the instances may be a partitioned server.

For more information, see the topic Partitioned servers.

To install the Domino program files on a Linux on zSeries system, you can use either interactive mode or script mode.

To use interactive mode

You use interactive mode to install the Domino program and data files on the local machine or to use a Telnet connection to install the Domino program and data files on specified remote systems.

During the interactive mode installation, you can use these keys at the UNIX® command prompt:

1. Make sure the Domino server kit is available from your network or CD ROM drive.
2. Log in to the root account for Domino Server installation.

3. Change to the directory containing the "install" script.

4. Enter the following at the root command prompt to run the script:

5. Follow the on-screen instructions and specify these options:
Add data directories onlyChoose one:
  • Yes to change a single Domino server into a partitioned server or add data directories to an existing partitioned server
  • No to keep a single Domino server
Domino Server installation typeChoose the server type that you acquired. For an xSP server, you must have the Domino Enterprise Server.
Install template filesChoose one:
  • Yes to install new templates
  • No to retain templates from a previous release
Install xSP server (for Domino Enterprise Server only)Choose one:
  • Yes if this is an xSP server
  • No if this is not an xSP server
Program directorySpecify the directory in which Domino will store program files.
Create /opt/ibm/lotus soft linkChoose one:
  • Yes if this system will have only one Domino installation (program directory)
  • No if this system will have multiple Domino installations (multiple program directories)
Data directorySpecify the directory in which Domino will store data files. If you are installing a partitioned server, indicate that and specify multiple data directories.
UNIX User nameSpecify the person who will own the server configuration data. If you are installing a partitioned server, you may specify a different person for each data directory.
UNIX Group nameSpecify the group to which the UNIX User belongs. If you are installing a partitioned server, you may specify a different group for each data directory.

To use script mode

Script mode installation provides silent install functionality for UNIX platforms and allows you to install saved installation settings to a local server or remote servers.

SCRIPT.DAT, the default sample script file, contains information you need to install the Domino server program files, including descriptions of each parameter and instructions for using the -script option to install partitioned servers.

Note Existing SCRIPT.DAT files from previous Domino versions cannot be used with the new ISMP installer. Modify a local copy of the file sample unix_response.dat provided with the install kits. More options are now available than in the previous installation's script.dat file.

1. Change the directory to the kit's install directory on either the CD-ROM or network drive.

2. Copy SCRIPT.DAT from the kit's install directory to your local system as

3. Open the local script file, filename.dat, and set the parameters as needed. It is usually best to use the default settings, as follows: 4. Save the local file, filename.dat.

5. Log in to the root account from your local system.

6. Switch back to the kit's install directory (CD-ROM or network).

7. To install using the local script file, enter this command at the UNIX console prompt: