Functions of Domino servers
Before you install and set up the first IBM® Lotus® Domino™ server, consider the function and physical location of the servers that your company needs and determine how to connect the servers to each other. The current configuration of local and wide-area networks affects many of these decisions.
Consider your company's need for:
Servers that provide IBM® Lotus® Notes® and/or browser users with access to applications
Hub servers that handle communication between servers that are geographically distant
Web servers that provide browser users with access to Web applications
Servers that manage messaging services
Directory servers that provide users and servers with information about how to communicate with other users and servers
Passthru servers that provide users and servers with access to a single server that provides access to other servers
Domain Search servers that provide users with the ability to perform searches across all servers in a Domino domain
Clustered servers that provide users with constant access to data and provide load-balancing and failover
Partitioned servers that run multiple instances of the Domino server on a single computer
Firewall servers that provide Notes users with access to internal Domino services and protect internal servers from outside users
xSP servers that provide users with Internet access to a specific set of Domino applications
Your decisions help determine which types of Domino servers your require. When you install each server, you must select one of the following installation options:
Domino Utility Server -- Installs a Domino server that provides application services only, with support for Domino clusters. The Domino Utility Server is an installation type for Lotus Domino that removes client access license requirements. Note that it does NOT include support for messaging services. See full licensing text for details.
Domino Messaging Server -- Installs a Domino server that provides messaging services. Note that it does NOT include support for application services or Domino clusters.
Domino Enterprise Server -- Installs a Domino server that provides both messaging and application services, with support for Domino clusters.
All three types of installations support Domino partitioned servers. Only the Domino Enterprise Server supports a service provider (xSP) environment.
See also
The Domino Web server
Messaging overview
Planning directory services
Planning the use of passthru servers
Domain Search
What is a Domino cluster?
Partitioned servers
Using a Domino passthru server as a proxy
Planning the xSP server environment
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