Note Only CA administrators can modify a server-based CA. A CA administrator must have Editor access to the Lotus Domino Directory in order to modify a certifier.
To modify a certifier through the ICL
1. Shut down the CA process used by the certifier that you want to modify. At the server console, type:
3. On the Tools pane, choose Certification - Modify Certifier.
4. Select the server that hosts the CA you want to modify, if necessary
5. Select the certifier to recover by doing one of the following:
8. The time period in which the Administration Requests database processes CA requests will vary. If you want to hasten the process, at the console enter:
tell ca refresh
And then enter the following to see if the certifier has been modified:
tell ca stat
To modify a certifier through the Certifier document
To modify a Certifier document, you must have Editor access to the Lotus Domino Directory. Full-access administrators and administrators have this access by default; however, be sure that all certificate authority (CA) administrators also have this access.
1. From the Lotus Domino Administrator, click Configuration.
See also