Application design element security
An application developer can further restrict access to design elements within an application using the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer. Application design security takes effect once users gain access to an application.
Create Read access lists for viewsSpecify which Notes and Internet/intranet users can see a view
Create Read and Edit access lists for foldersSpecify which Notes and Internet/intranet users can see a folder or update the contents of a folder
Create Read and Edit access lists for formsSpecify which Notes and Internet/intranet users can create, modify, or read documents created with a form
Create Readers and Authors fieldsSpecify which Notes and Internet/intranet users can create, modify, or read specified documents
Create signed fieldsVerify that the Notes user who originated the data is the author and that no one has tampered with the data
Create encrypted fieldsControl which Notes users can access a field in a form
Create hidden fieldsControl which Notes and Internet/intranet users can access a field in a form
Create Read and Edit access lists for sectionsSpecify which Notes and Internet/intranet users can access a section in a document
For more information on securing application design elements, see the topic "Security in an application" if you have installed Lotus Domino Designer 8 Help. Or, got to to download or view Designer 8 Help.

See also