IBM Lotus Domino Web Access
IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Access (previously iNotes Web Access) provides IBM® Lotus® Notes® users with browser-based access to Notes mail and to Notes calendar and scheduling features. Domino Web Access users can send and receive mail, view their calendars, invite people to meetings, create to do lists, keep a notebook, and work offline. After being set up for Domino Web Access, a user can use both the standard Notes client and a Web browser to access their mail files. Because both the Notes client and Domino Web Access operate on the same underlying user mail file, read and unread marks remain up-to-date, regardless of which client the user uses to read the mail. Users can also synchronize contact information in their Notes Contacts with information in their Domino Web Access Contact List.

While users simply need a name and Internet password to log on and use Domino Web Access, a Notes ID is required if a user wants to work offline. Be sure to create a Notes ID for each user when registering new users with the Lotus Domino Web Access template.

For more information, see the topic, Registering Lotus Domino Web Access users.


Domino Web Access requires user log-on and logout security. When a user logs on, they must enter their name and Internet password, as specified in their Person document. The login names that the server accepts as valid depend on the setting in the "Internet authentication" field on the Security tab of the Server document.

For more information, see the topic Controlling the level of authentication for Internet clients.

When the user logs out, Domino Web Access closes the browser and removes the user's log-on credentials and private data from the browser's cache. By deleting this data, unauthorized users are prevented from using cached information to access the user's mail file. In Internet Explorer, you can use Browser Cache Management to improve the client side performance and security of Domino Web Access sessions by controlling which entries are stored in the cache and which are removed when the session ends. The removal of private data from the browser's cache and more secure data clearing capabilities are available only if the user accepts the Domino Web Access control.

For more information on Browser Cache Management, see Using Browser Cache Management.

Domino Web Access will not remove some personal data unless the user explicitly selects "Logout for Shared PCs or Kiosk Users." With this selection, users can choose one of two secure logouts:

You can also redirect users to a specific Web page after they logout.

For more information, see the topic Redirecting users to a Web page after logout.

Integration with DOLS and IBM Lotus Sametime

To provide users with the ability to work offline and use IBM® Lotus® Sametime® you can integrate Domino Web Access with Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS) and Lotus Sametime (instant messaging). DOLS enables users to work offline, disconnected from the network, and provides many replication features that Notes users expect when working in the Notes client. Lotus Sametime provides integrated, real-time chat features for Domino Web Access users. Neither DOLS nor Lotus Sametime are required for Domino Web Access use.

For more information, see the topic Setting up Domino Web Access with IBM Lotus Sametime.

See also