Creating a mail-routing event generator
Create a mail-routing event generator to test and gather statistics on mail routes. To test a mail route, the ISpy task sends a mail-trace message to a specified user's mail server.

This event generator creates a statistic that indicates the amount of time, in seconds, it takes to deliver the message. If the mail-routing trace fails, the statistic has the value -1. If the Statistic Collector task is running, the Monitoring Results database (STATREP.NSF) stores the statistics. The format of a mail routing statistic is:

In addition, the ISpy task monitors the local mail server by default and generates events for traces that fail. To monitor other IBM® Lotus® Domino™ mail servers, create an event generator and set up an event handler to notify you when an event has occurred.

To create a mail-routing event generator

1. Make sure that you started the ISpy task on the server.

2. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator, click the Configuration tab, and then open the Monitoring Configuration view.

3. Open the Event Generators - Mail view, and click New Mail Routing Event Generator.

4. On the Basics tab, complete these fields:
All Domino servers in the domain will probe themselvesDo one:
  • Check this option to have each server to probe only the local mail box.
  • Uncheck this option to probe specified servers.
RecipientEnter the address of the recipient for which you want to check the mail route or use the drop-down box to select a recipient from a Domino Directory or Address Book. Do not enter more than one user and do not enter a group name.
Probing servers (source)Select the name of the server from which to start the probe.
Show intermediate hop timesEnable this option to track intermediate hop times.
5. Click the Probe tab, and complete these fields:
Send intervalEnter the number of minutes between probes. The default is 15.
Time-out thresholdEnter the number of minutes the probing server (source) waits for a response before logging a failure.
6. Click the Other tab, complete these fields, and then click Save & Close.
On time-out, generate a Mail event of severitySelect the severity level.
Create a new event handler for this eventClick this button to launch the Event Notification Wizard and create an event handler.
See also