To replicate databases by priority:
1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
2. Select the connecting server's Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" field.
3. Click Server, and then click Connections.
4. Click the connection you want to work with, and then click Edit Connection.
5. Click the Replication/Routing tab.
6. In the "Replicate databases of" field, select the priority of databases to replicate.
7. Click Save and Close.
The default setting is Low & Medium & High. Domino automatically replicates all databases that two servers have in common.
If two replicas are assigned different priorities, Domino uses the priority assigned to the replica on the server that initiates the replication. If you schedule databases to replicate by priority and a particular database isn't replicating often enough, ask the database manager to increase the priority level of that database.
See also