Searching the root DSE and schema entry
The LDAP service supports schema-publishing, which means the directory includes a schema entry that you can use to retrieve the directory schema. Use the ldapsearch utility provided with IBM® Lotus® Notes® and IBM® Lotus® Domino™ or use another LDAP V3-compliant LDAP search tool to search the root directory server entry (DSE) to determine the name of this schema entry and to retrieve other information about the Domino LDAP directory -- for example, to retrieve the LDAP versions, extensions, and controls supported.

Searching the root DSE

To search the root DSE, use one of the following ldapsearch commands:

To return the values of all attributes, specify one of the following:

To return only the values of non-operational attributes, specify:
To return only the values of operational attributes, specify:
Searching the schema entry

To search the schema entry to retrieve the directory schema, use one of the following ldapsearch commands.

To return only the values of non-operational attributes, specify:

To return only the values of operational attributes, specify:
To return the values of all attributes, specify:
See also