Installing the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes
You can install IBM® WebSphere® Portal composite application support for IBM® Lotus® Notes® on an IBM WebSphere server. This is required for Lotus Notes users who will be using composite applications that contain portlets. It is available with Lotus Notes and as a Web download.

The WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes is required to install portlets on the server and for Lotus Notes client communication with the WebSphere Portal server. For example, if you want users to be able to edit a portal-based composite application using the Composite Application Editor, you must first run the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes installation program on the WebSphere Portal server. This installation program also installs the .war files that are required by the Composite Applications Editor when it works with the WebSphere Portal server.

If your users create composite applications that include portlets, you must install the WebSphere Portal server. To use some of the functions enabled by WebSphere Portal in Lotus Notes, you must also install the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes on the portal server. You can then create a Home Portal Account for Lotus Notes users allowing them to create, edit, and view composite applications that contain portlets. Users can obtain help about creating or modifying a Home Portal Account using the preferences panel in their Lotus Notes online Help system.

Perform the following steps to install WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes on your WebSphere Portal server.

Note Direct upgrade from a previous version of WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes (previously called "Notes server client installer"), such as a Beta version, is not supported. To install the latest version of WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes, uninstall your previous version prior to installing the new version.

1. Obtain the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes installer kit and place it in a temporary folder such as /temp.

2. Navigate to and unzip the installer kit.

3. Open the unzipped folder and note its contents, which include the setup installation executable file and a portal folder in which various portlets and scripts reside.

4. Run the setup executable file (for example, setupwin32.exe) or binary.

5. If a language selection panel appears, make your selection and then click OK.

6. Read the Welcome screen. If you want to read related information, click Information Center. Click Next to continue.

7. Read and accept the license agreement terms. Click Next to continue.

8. Accept the default installation directory or specify a new one. Click Next to continue.

9. Accept the default WebSphere Portal server or specify a new one. Enter your WebSphere user name and password. Click Next to continue.

10. Read the preview screen for the installation directory path and size, and theb click Install. The installation process takes several minutes.

11. Read the installation summary screen, and then click Finish to exit the installation wizard.

Additional step if Web server or Portal server use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

If you have configured your Web server or Portal server to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and are using a self-signed test certificate, you must perform additional steps before running the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes to ensure that SSL communications occur properly between the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes program and the Web server or Portal server. These instructions are detailed in the "Installing the Network Client Installer when using SSL with a self-signed test certificate" in the IBM® Lotus® Expeditor® Information Center at

See the Expeditor release 6.1.1 Help as it becomes available. You do not need to additionally install the Expeditor network client installer.

Installing the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes using command line parameters

You can also install WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes on the portal server using the silent or console install methods.

Silent mode

Use the following command line to install the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes in silent mode:

setup.exe -silent -V licenseAccepted=true -P installLocation="c:\notes8\"

If you have configured your Web server or Portal server to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and are using a self-signed test certificate, see Additional step if Web server or Portal server use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Console mode

Use the following command line to install the WebSphere Portal composite application support for Lotus Notes in console mode and mask the user interface panels:

setup.exe -console

The following flags are available:

If you have configured your Web server or Portal server to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and are using a self-signed test certificate, see Additional step if Web server or Portal server use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

See also