Note The Server and Addin Task Event document is also called a Message document.
1. Create a view that exposes the PC, PS, and CA statements and include that view in your original EVENTS4.NTF, your domain EVENTS4.NSF and the upgrade version of EVENTS4.NTF.
2. Export to text the PC, PS, and CA statements in the Monitoring Configuration template (EVENTS4.NTF) from the version of IBM® Lotus® Domino™ that you are using.
3. Export to text the customized PC, PS, and CA statements in the Monitoring Configuration database (EVENTS4.NSF) that you are using.
4. Export to text the PC, PS, and CA statements in the new Monitoring Configuration database (EVENTS4.NSF), that is, the copy of EVENTS4.NSF that is included in the upgrade.
5. Use a text comparison tool to compare the old EVENTS4.NTF and your EVENTS4.NSF text to determine which entries you have changed.
6. Upgrade the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ server, which will automatically upgrade the content of EVENTS4.NSF.
7. In the upgraded EVENTS4.NSF, open the view Advanced - Modular Documents.
8. Click New Modular Document and create a new Modular document for each unique PC, PS, CA that you modified. (Each Modular document can be referenced by multiple Server and Addin Task Event documents.)
For instructions about how to create a Modular document, see the topic Creating a Modular document.
9. Open the view Advanced - Event Messages by Text, or any other Messages document view.
10. For each Server and Addin Task Event document that you have customized, complete these steps:
See also