From a Domino CA
Note This procedure is the same regardless of whether you are requesting a server certificate from a IBM® Lotus® Domino™ server-based certification authority or a Domino 5 certificate authority.
1. Make sure the CA signed the certificate and you mapped a drive to the directory that contains the server key ring file.
2. Obtain the server certificate by doing one of the following:
4. From the IBM® Lotus® Notes® client, open the Server Certificate Admin application.
5. Click "Install Certificate into Key Ring."
6. Enter the file name for the key ring that will store this certificate. You specified this key ring file when you created the server certificate request.
7. In the Certificate Source field, choose Clipboard. Paste the Clipboard contents into the next field.
8. Click "Merge Certificate into Key Ring."
9. Enter the password for the key ring file, and then click OK to approve the merge.
10. Configure the SSL port.
From a third-party CA
2. Use the instructions provided by the CA to pick up the certificate. In most cases, the CA mails the certificate as a file attachment or gives you a URL to visit to copy and paste the certificate to the Clipboard.
3. From the Lotus Notes client, open the Server Certificate Admin application.
4. Click "Install Certificate into Key Ring."
5. Enter the file name for the key ring that will store this certificate. You created this key ring file when you created the server certificate request.
6. Do one of the following:
8. Enter the password for the server key ring file, and then click OK to approve the merge.
9. Configure the SSL port.
See also