1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator, click Configuration.
2. On the Tools pane, choose Certification - Migrate Certifier.
3. In Migrate Certifier dialog box, click Select.
4. In the "Chose ID/key ring file" dialog box, select the of the certifier you want to migrate.
6. If you are migrating a Lotus Notes certifier, complete the procedure "To migrate a Notes certifier." Otherwise, see the procedure "To migrate an Internet certifier."
To migrate a Notes certifier
1. On the Basics tab, complete these fields:
Note Although you can change the location of the ICL, it is recommended that you use the default directory and path.
tell ca activate <password>
tell ca unlock <idfile><password>
4. On the Certificates tab, complete these fields:
6. Add the certifier to the CA process.
To migrate an Internet certifier
1. Migrate the key ring file.
2. Complete the Migrate Certifier dialog as described in the procedure "To create an Internet certifier" later in this chapter.
For more information on using CA server commands, see the topic Certificate Authority process tell commands.
See also