Allowing database design compression
Use the setting Allow compression of database design to reduce the total cost of ownership of maintaining any IBM® Lotus® Notes® database by reducing the size of all design elements in the database. For the Notes client mail template (MAIL8.NTF), this setting is enabled by default and the design is compressed when the mail database is created. For all other databases, you must manually enable the setting and then run a copy style compact on the database.

This setting reduces design note overhead for IBM® Lotus® Domino™ mail deployments using a copy-style compact to compress design notes.

Note To use this feature, the NSF must be ODS 48. To upgrade the database to ODS 48, enter the following setting in your NOTES.INI file:

This NOTES.INI setting only affects NSFs; it has no effect on DB2 enabled Notes databases.

Enabling compression of database designs

1. From the Domino Administrator client, choose File - Application - Properties.

2. Click the Advanced tab. (The icon on this tab is a beanie.)

3. Click the checkbox "Allow compression of database design."

4. Close the Database Properties dialog box.

5. Run a copy-style compact to compress the design by entering this command: