Controlling the number of concurrent Smart Upgrade downloads
Use this procedure to enable or disable the Smart Upgrade Governor and to control the number of concurrent Smart Upgrade attempts, that is, to control the number of times Smart Upgrade can be run while the Smart Upgrade Governor is enabled. When Smart Upgrade Governor is enabled, specify the maximum number of Smart Upgrade attempts by specifying a value in the field "Maximum Concurrent Downloads" on the Server Configuration document.

1. From the IBM® Lotus(RM) Domino™ Administrator, click Configuration - Server - Configurations.

2. Select the Server Configuration document you want to open, and then click Edit Configuration.

3. Click the Smart Upgrade tab. In the field "Limit Concurrent Smart Upgrade," enable the Smart Upgrade Governor.

4. In the field "Maximum Concurrent Downloads," enter a value for the maximum concurrent number of Smart Upgrade attempts that can be made while the Smart Upgrade Governor is enabled. The default is 100.

5. Save and close the Configuration Settings document.

See also