1. Install the modem on the server communication port and ensure that the operating system recognizes the port.
2. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator, select the Server - Status tab.
3. From the Servers pane, select the server on which to set up the port. On platforms, such as UNIX®, for which there is no Domino Administrator client, you can set up ports remotely.
4. From the Tools pane, click Server - Setup Ports.
5. Select the name of the port on which you installed the modem, for example, COM1.
7. If you want to enable Domino network data encryption, select "Encrypt network data."
9. Click portname Options, where portname is the name of the port whose settings you want to change.
10. Modify default port settings, as needed and then click OK.
The default port settings work in most situations. However, if you are performing troubleshooting, you may wish to adjust some of the settings. The following settings are available:
If there's no match and your modem is not 100% Hayes-compatible, you may need to edit an existing modem command file or create a new one. For information about your modem, see your modem documentation.
For information about editing modem command files, see the topic Modifying a modem command file.
Note When using a null modem, the maximum port speed on both computers must match.
To conserve disk space, after the problem is fixed, deselect this option to prevent the extra information from being recorded.
12. If necessary, you can edit acquire scripts and modem command files.
See also