Configuring IMAP Public folders
To provide IMAP clients with access to a public mail database, you must do the following:
The IMAP service does not automatically enable databases other than the user's personal mail file for IMAP use. To enable a mail-in database for IMAP use, run the mail conversion utility.

Users' access to a shared database is defined by their entries in the database ACL. Before users can access a public folder, an administrator must explicitly grant them access to the database by editing the ACL. If the database ACL does not grant a user access to an IMAP public folder, when the user logs in from an IMAP client, the client displays the folder, but does not display the folder Inbox.

To designate a IBM® Lotus® Notes® database as an IMAP public folder, copy its database link and paste it into the Configuration Settings document.

Note To be configured as a public folder, a database must be created from a Notes mail template. The IMAP service does not support the use of NNTP or discussion databases as IMAP public folders.

To configure Notes databases for use as IMAP public folders
1. Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.

2. From the Notes client or IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator client, select a database that has been enabled for IMAP access to be designated as an IMAP public folder and copy it as a database link.

3. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

4. Click Configurations.

5. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.

6. Click the IMAP - Public and Other Users' Folders tab.

7. Complete the following field and then click Save & Close:
Public folder prefixThe name of the virtual root folder Domino uses to organize the hierarchy of Notes mail databases configured as IMAP public folders. When an IMAP client connects to the server it displays the public folders available to the user as subfolders of this folder.

Unless you have a specific reason to change the folder prefix, accept the default name to ensure IMAP clients can access public folders on the server.

Public folder database linksDatabase links for IMAP-enabled Notes mail databases you want to designate as IMAP public folders. Paste the database link copied in Step 2 into this field.

For example, insert the cursor in the field and click Edit - Paste. The Notes database represented by the link is now designated as an IMAP public folder. Users with the appropriate access privileges can open the database from an IMAP client.