DDM does the following:
To gather and report information across multiple servers and domains, DDM uses a collection hierarchy consisting of servers that collect information from other servers, and node servers from which the information is collected. All event information is stored and consolidated in the Domino Domain Monitor that you can view. You specify the collection hierarchy, that is, which servers are collection servers and which are node servers. A collection hierarchy can be multi-tiered with collection servers collecting from other collection servers, but that is not required for DDM to run. As with the DDM probes, the collection hierarchy is easy to create and modify in a configuration user interface in the Monitoring Configuration database (EVENTS4.NSF).
Enhanced events and simple events
A collection server collects two classes of event information, enhanced events and simple events. When you open an event, the Event document contains a Class type field in the upper-right corner which indicates whether the event is a simple event or an enhanced event. Enhanced events include events generated by a DDM Probe document, events generated by a Domino event generator, or any other event with specific target information appearing in the DDM event report. Target information includes servers, databases, agents, or a user-specified target. A simple event is any event that is not associated with or that does not contain specific target information. For example, most of the events that are reported to the Domino server console are simple events.
Note If the Domino Directory design has not been upgraded to Domino 7 or more recent, the servers that display when creating or maintaining probes may include pre-Domino 7 servers from the domain. Be certain to specify Domino 7 or more recent servers when setting up or maintaining probes.
For more information about probes, see the topic DDM probes and for more information about the DDM server collection hierarchy, see the topic DDM server collection hierarchy.
See also