Note The Server document is still used for some low-level HTTP task configuration settings
To convert from the Web Server Configurations view to the Internet Sites view
If you do not have virtual servers or hosts, follow these steps to convert to the new view:
1. Create a Web Site document.
2. Select the Web Site document and choose Edit Document.
3. Click Web Site and create the corresponding documents in Lotus Domino 8: Web SSO Configuration, Rule (URL Mapping/Redirection), File Protection (File Protection), or Authentication Realm (Realm).
4. Open the Server document.
5. Click Basics and check Enabled for "Loads Internet configurations from Server\Internet Sites documents."
6. Save the document, and restart the HTTP server task to use the new view.
Note If you have created Web SSO Configuration documents in the Web Server Configurations view, these need to be disabled before you can enable the Internet Sites view. Otherwise, this generates an error message. You have the option of disabling them yourself, on the Internet Protocols - Domino Web Engine tab of the Server document, or allowing Domino to do it for you. You will be prompted about this if you try to enable Internet Sites when you have existing Web SSO configuration documents.
If you are using the Web Server Configurations view, use the settings on the Web Engine tab of the Server document for the following:
specify GIF or JPEG conversion
specify the number of lines to display in a view
find links with the Redirect URL command
Storing Web user preferences in cookies
Setting up language preferences
See also