Delete group in Domino Directory
Carried out on: The administration server for the Domino Directory.
Carried out: According to the "Interval" setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.
Result: The Administration Process removes the name from the Domino Directory except from Person documents.
Carried out: According to the "Execute once a day requests at" setting for the Administration Process in the Server document.
Result: The Administration Process removes the group name from Person documents in the Domino Directory.
Carried out on: Each server in the domain.
Result: Each server in the domain deletes the name from the ACLs of databases for which it is an administration server.
Carried out: According to the "Delayed Request" settings for the Administration Process in the Server document.
Result: Each server in the domain deletes the name from Reader / Author fields of databases for which it is an administration server and that have the advanced ACL option "Modify all Reader / Author fields" selected.
Start executing at