For Notes and IBM® Lotus® Domino™ to work properly with TCP/IP, the protocol stack on each computer must already be configured properly. Ensure that the brand and version of the protocol stack is certified for use with this version of Lotus Notes/Domino. For more information, see the protocol service provider's documentation.
Use the PING executable to verify IP-level connectivity. The PING command is available in all Microsoft® Windows® and UNIX® environments.
1. From the server, ping the server itself by numeric IP address.
and press ENTER.
This step confirms the following:
4. Ping the server from the server itself by its DNS fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to verify that it was added to the network correctly; then ping the server from the workstation by FQDN.
PING Iodine
If you reach this point and the connection is failing between workstation and server, try creating a Connection document in the Contacts of the workstation. This document contains the numeric IP address of the destination server. It is best to resolve IP addresses by DNS or hosts files and not by Connection documents.
Note WINSOCK.DLL is the Windows Sockets interface provided with TCP/IP network software for Microsoft Windows. If you're using an incorrect (or incorrectly placed) version of WINSOCK.DLL, Notes may exhibit problems related to WINSOCK.
After you've gathered this information, perform the procedure titled "Checking TCP/IP name resolution in NRPC."