To create the Reports database
1. From the Domino Administrator, IBM® Lotus® Notes® client, or IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer client, choose File - Application - New.
2. At the bottom of the New Application dialog box, click Show advanced templates.
3. Complete these fields and click OK:
2. Verify that the server and the server administrator have Manager access, then click OK.
3. With the Reports database active in your client, choose View - Agents.
4. Verify that the scheduled agents (Daily, Monthly, and Weekly Report Agents, and the Housecleaning agents) are enabled. Enable agents as necessary by selecting the agent and clicking Enable; then close the Domino Designer.
5. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab, open the Server document for the server where you created the Reports database and click the Security tab.
6. In the Programmability Restrictions - Run unrestricted methods and operations field, enter the names of administrators who need access to the Reports database, and then click Save & Close.
See also