To prohibit all archiving, select the "Prohibit Archiving" setting and apply the policy to a set of users. If you choose to prevent private archiving, users cannot change these settings or create private archive settings.
If you allow archiving, use the archive policy settings document to define whether archiving is performed by a server or by a user's client, and to specify source and destination archive systems. If archiving is client-based, you can also set the archive schedule. If you choose to, you can change the name and location of the default archive log file. You can also set a policy designating that archiving is done by the user's client, and allow the user to define the schedule and archiving criteria.
Note Archiving policy settings are not supported by IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Access.
To create archive policy settings
1. Make sure that you have at least Editor access to the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Directory and one of these roles:
3. Click "Add Settings," and then select Archive.
4. On the Basics tab, complete these fields:
11. (Optional) Change any of these fields if you want to change the location of the log directory and log file name.
Note The Notes client must be running for scheduled archiving to occur.
For example, assume the maximum retention is set to two years. Users can define criteria that selects documents created, modified, accessed, or expired up to 24 months. An error is generated if users try to save criteria whose scope is greater than 24 months (two years).
See also