Customizing the look of Domino Web Access
You can customize the look of IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Access. Using IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer, you can add action buttons to views or dialog boxes, provide additional choices for the Welcome Page, and replace the Domino Web Access logo with a corporate logo. You can modify the following forms and subforms in the Domino Web Access FORMS8.NSF file:
For example, you may want to add choices to the list of Web sites that can be displayed in the Welcome Page. To do this, you modify the Custom_WelcomePage form. There are two arrays that can be modified. One array is for the title of the web site, the other array is for the URL of the web site. The template uses JavaScript™, so it is possible to "calculate" a web site, for example, one based on the user's name or current mail file. You can write code in the Scene_PreSubmit function (inside the Custom_JS form) to validate the new field. Note that the Welcome Page in this example uses the monthly calendar view.

var gWelcomePageChoices = {


         "Yellow Pages"



        ,"My monthly calendar"






        , "../../inotes/calendar/?opendocument&ui=portal&presetfields=s_CalView;M"



Example of modifying Domino Web Access common forms file

You can use this process to modify the FORMS8.NSF file.

1. Copy FORMS8.NSF to a temporary directory.

2. Make changes to the forms as desired.

3. Test the changes to the forms.

4. Stop the HTTP process on the Domino server using the tell http quit server command.

5. Flush the database cache using the dbc f server command.

6. Copy the new Forms8 file to the Domino Web Access directory under the Domino Data directory.

7. Start the HTTP process using the load http server command.

Note If you modify the default CalendarProfile values, the new values affect only new user registrations. Default values for existing users are not changed.

See also