Message | Occurs during | Corrective action to take |
The time after which this request can be processed has not been reached. This request cannot be processed until time; check the Perform request again? box after time. | Renaming
Recertification | When the time arrives, select "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
The date after which this request is no longer valid has passed. This request could only be processed until time; the current date and time is time. | Renaming
Recertification | Resubmit the request from the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Directory. |
This name does not appear in the ACLs of any databases designating server as their Administration Server. | Renaming
Deletion | None |
The mail file was previously deleted on server by a Delete Mail File administration request. | Delete all replicas of a mail file when deleting a user name | None |
The mail file specified for this person in the Address Book does not exist on this server. | Delete all replicas of a mail file when deleting a user name | None |
A replica of this person's mail file does not exist on this server. | Delete all replicas of a mail file when deleting a user name | None |
The signature on this request has expired. | Renaming | Resubmit the request from the Domino Directory. |
The issuer of this request does not have the proper authority. | Renaming | Resubmit the request from the Domino Directory. Be sure to use a certifier ID that is an ancestor of the user ID. |
All of the required fields in the request have not been signed.
Cause of error - An unauthorized person or a non-Domino program edited a posted request. This indicates a failed security attack. | Any request | Resubmit the request from the Domino Directory. |
The request's new public key does not match the designated server.
Cause of error - The key in the request doesn't match that in the Server document. | Copy Server's Certified Public Key | Delete the request, and then shut down and restart the appropriate server to issue a new request.
Delete the public key from the Server document. |
The existing public key is newer than the public key in the request.
Cause of error - The server was recertified before this request could be carried out. | Copy Server's Certified Public Key | None |
The request's signer and the designated server are not the same.
Cause of error - The server specified in the request did not sign the request. This may indicate a failed security attack from a forged request or a request generated by a non-Domino program. | Place Server's Notes Build number into Server Record | Delete the original request and then restart the server. Click "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
The selected certifier is not the target certifier in the move request.
Cause of error - The target certifier is not the one you specified when you issued the original request. | Request Move to New Certifier | Reissue the request and specify the correct certifier. |
A required certifier was not found in the Address Book.
If you see the error when the administrator is performing an action, the Certifier or Cross-Certifier document is identified in the Notes Log on the administrator's client.
If the Administration Process reports the error, the Certifier or Cross-domain Certifier document is identified in the log (LOG.NSF) of the server that reported the error. | Initiate Rename in Domino Directory
Recertify Server in Domino Directory
Recertify Person in Domino Directory
Rename Person in Domino Directory
Rename Server in Domino Directory | Do the following:
- Create the necessary Certifier document(s) in the Domino Directory.
- For each Certifier document, copy the certified public key from the certifier ID to the Certifier document in the Domino Directory.
- At the server console, enter
load updall names.nsf -t $certifiers.
- Click "Perform request again" in the response Log document.
The change request was not for a server or person.
Cause of error - An unauthorized person or a non-Domino program edited a posted request. This can indicate a failed security attack. | Rename | Resubmit the request from the Domino Directory. |
The Administration Process cannot set the target time for processing requests. | Delete Unlinked Mail File | Restart the server, and then click "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
This type of Administration Request cannot be performed on a non-hierarchical server. | All requests except Copy Server's Certified Public Key and Place Server's Notes Build Number Into Server Record | Upgrade the server to hierarchical naming so you can complete all Administration Process requests on it. |
The Administration Process is not designed to support this type of Administration Request. | When a server running an older version of Notes encounters a Domino 5.0 Administration Request. An older server is unable to process the request. | Upgrade the server to the current release. |
The name to act on was not found in the Address Book.
Cause of error - The public key is corrupt in the Person or Server document. | Renaming
Recertification | Delete the corrupted public key from the Server or Person document.
From a Server document:
- From the Domino Administrator, select a server and click the Configuration tab.
- Click Edit document.
- Click the Miscellaneous tab.
- Delete the public key from the Certified Public Key field, or if you are adding one, enter a public key.
- Click Save and Close.
From a Person document:
- From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.
- Select the person whose Person document you are modifying.
- Click Edit Person.
- Click the Public Keys tab.
- Delete the public key from the Certified Public Key field, or if you are adding one, enter a public key.
- Click Save and Close.
The administrator or database manager requesting the delete action needs Author access (or greater) to the Address Book.
The requests require at least Author (with Delete documents) access with the appropriate role (UserModifier, ServerModifier, or GroupModifier). The person must have access to the replica of the Domino Directory used to submit the request and to the replica on the administration server for the Domino Directory. | Delete user, server, or group | Give the person making the request the appropriate access to the Domino Directory, and then select "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
The person requesting the delete action cannot delete documents in the Address Book.
Cause of error - This can indicate a failed attempt by an unauthorized person to delete documents from the Domino Directory. | Delete users, servers, groups, or resources | The person submitting the request doesn't have appropriate access to the replica of the Domino Directory.
Give the person making the request the appropriate access to the Domino Directory. |
The Administration Process cannot set the execution time for a spawned request. | Delete Mail file | Restart the server and then click "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
This server is not currently a member of a cluster. This database cannot be marked for deletion. | Remove Server from Cluster | Manually delete the database. |
The Author of the Administration Request is not allowed to create databases on this server. | Create Replica
Move Replica | Give the person making the request Create Database access to the destination server. Then click "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
Mail file already exists. New mail file not created. | Create Mail File | None |
The person requesting this move action needs at least Manager access to the database. | Move Replica
Non-cluster move replica | Give the person making the request Manager with Delete documents access. Then select "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |
Server name not found in Public Address book. | Rename in Access Control List | Wait for the name change to replicate to the Domino Directory on this server. Then select "Perform request again" in the response Log document. |