Supported platforms and hardware and software requirements
IBM® Lotus® Domino™ can use Query Views, as well as some IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer features for DB2 Access Views. Any version of the IBM® Lotus® Notes® C-API program that can access the DB2 enabled Domino server can also access IBM Lotus Notes databases stored in IBM® DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition.

Supported platforms

Domino 8.0, 32-bit application is supported on the following platforms:

DB2 9.1, 32-bit is certified on Microsoft Windows; DB2 9.1, 64-bit is certified on IBM AIX and Linux. DB2 9.1 can be installed on the following platforms:
Note Shared mail is not supported for a DB2 server. The recommended method of installation is to create a new DB2-enabled Domino server and replicate to DB2. If an existing server is upgraded to a DB2-enabled Domino server, the shared mail linked mail files need be unlinked prior to the upgrade.

Prerequisites for IBM AIX

Software requirements
Memory requirements for a DB2 enabled Domino server, Microsoft Windows or IBM AIX and Linux

Microsoft Windows platform

IBM AIX and Linux platform
Other requirements
What's not supported in this release of Domino and DB2?

Domino and DB2 does not support the use of the following:

For more information about which databases are not supported as DB2 enabled Notes databases, see the topic Databases created with Domino.

Memory and hardware requirements

See also