For users in the same Domino domain
Scheduling is automatically set up for non-clustered and clustered Free Time databases. You need to create the Resource Reservations database so that users can search for and reserve resources.
For users in adjacent Domino domains
1. Make sure that you have set up Adjacent Domain documents in the Domino Directory to establish communication between the domains.
2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
3. Choose the Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" box.
4. Click Messaging - Domains, and then open each appropriate Adjacent Domain document.
5. Click the Calendar Information tab, complete this field, and save the document:
For users in non-adjacent Domino domains
In order for two non-adjacent domains to do free-time lookups between each other, you need to define a Calendar server in an intermediate domain that is adjacent to both the querying and the target domains.
Note Free-time lookups require reasonable network response time and direct LAN connections from the intermediate domain to the two separate non-adjacent domains.
1. Make sure that you have set up Non-adjacent Domain documents in the Domino Directory to establish communication between the domains.
4. Click Messaging - Domains, and then open each appropriate Non-adjacent Domain document.
For users of Lotus Organizer or IBM OfficeVision
Lotus Domino scheduling works with both Lotus Organizer® and IBM OfficeVision®. If users want to keep their schedules in either program, set up scheduling to include them. You need to create a Foreign Domain document for each alternate scheduling application.
1. Make sure you already set up a Foreign Domain document in the Domino Directory for each alternate scheduling application.
4. Click Messaging - Domains, and then open each appropriate Foreign Domain document.
5. Click the Calendar Information tab, complete these fields, and save the document:
7. Set up the Resource Reservations database if you want to allow users to search for and reserve resources.
See also