Follow these steps to set up a server to run the LDAP service:
1. The LDAP task runs automatically on the administration server for the primary IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Directory. On other servers in the domain, run the LDAP task manually.
2. If your organization uses more than one Global Domain document, specify the one that the LDAP service uses to return Internet addresses to LDAP clients. Open the Global Domain document. In the "Use as default Global Domain" field, choose Yes.
3. (Optional) Customize the default LDAP service configuration. In many cases, the LDAP service default settings are adequate.
4. To check whether you set up the LDAP service correctly, use an LDAP search utility such as ldapsearch provided with IBM® Lotus® Notes® and Domino, to issue a query to the LDAP service.
5. Set up LDAP clients to connect to the LDAP service.