Note When you choose a common name for a Domino server that uses DNS, use only the characters 0 through 9, A through Z, and the dash (-). Do not use spaces or underscores.
Note The DNS names held in IBM® Lotus® Notes® and IBM Lotus Domino are not case sensitive; Notes workstations and Domino servers always pass DNS names to DNS in lowercase.
You can avoid problems and extra work if you consider the DNS configuration, as well as the effect of other protocol name-resolver services, when you choose the format for the common name of the Domino server.
To avoid name-resolution problems that affect all TCP services on Microsoft® Windows® systems, see the topic "Ensuring DNS resolves on Windows systems -- All TCP protocols."
For procedures to help you avoid DNS problems in NRPC, see these topics:
For naming requirements when using Domino Off-Line Services (DOLs) or Domino Web Access, see the topics Setting up DOLS on a server and Setting up Domino Web Access on a server.
See also