Global domain document - Restrictions tab
Notes domains and aliasesSpecifies the names of the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ domains that comprise the global domain. including the name of the local Domino domain. To ensure that the Router correctly forms the reply address for users sending outbound mail, list the name of each Domino Domain that uses this Global Domain.

For Domino domains with names that contain non-ASCII characters, include an alternative, or alias, domain name that consists of ASCII characters only, and separate the two names with the separator character defined in the next field. Domino uses the ASCII name in SMTP communications, which do not support non-ASCII content.

When mail is received for an address in the format, the receiving server converts the Alias name to the actual Domino domain name and then routes the message to the specified domain.

Alias separator characterSpecifies the character used to separate non-ASCII domain names from their ASCII domain alias equivalents. The default is an equal (=) sign.