To use SSL, select SSL in the "Channel encryption" field on the LDAP tab of the Directory Assistance document for the remote LDAP directory. When you select SSL, you must also make selections for three associated fields:
In the "Accept expired SSL certificates" field choose one:
In the "SSL protocol version field," select the version number of the SSL protocol to use, as follows:
The Domino CA and some other CAs provide a dialog box into which users enter the subject line when requesting a certificate. For example, the Domino CA prompts each user to enter the remote server's information -- such as, the common name, organizational unit name, organization name, state (or province), and country name. The Domino CA places this information in the subject line and adds the appropriate prefix (cn=, ou=, o=, and so on) to each field. If you used a Domino CA to create the remote server's certificate, enter the remote server's host name in the common name field when using the "Verify server name with remote server's certificate" option. For example, the Domino CA allows users to enter the following valid subject lines ( is the server's DNS host name):
cn=mailserver, ou=sales - o=acme, st=mass, c=us
See also