Configuration Settings document - Router/SMTP - Restrictions and Controls - SMTP Outbound Controls tab
Outbound Sender Controls
Allow messages only from the following Internet addresses to be sent to the InternetSpecifies the RFC 821 Internet addresses of users in the local Internet domain from whom IBM® Lotus® Domino™ accepts mail destined for Internet addresses outside the local Internet domain. If this field contains entries, Domino accepts outbound Internet mail from the specified Internet addresses only and rejects outbound Internet mail sent from other addresses. Rejected mail is returned to the sender.

Enter Internet addresses in the form, or enter the name of an IBM® Lotus® Notes® group containing a list of Internet addresses allowed to send mail to the Internet.

Wildcards (for example, * and isolated Internet domain suffixes (for example, are not acceptable values in this field.

Group entries cannot contain a domain part or dot ('.'). For example, the group with the name DenyMail is valid, but the groups named or Denymail@iris are not.

Note This field is not intended to control relaying. See "Setting inbound relay controls" for information on using Domino's inbound relay controls.

Deny messages from the following Internet addresses to be sent to the InternetSpecifies the RFC 821 Internet addresses of users in the local Internet domain from which Domino does not accept mail destined for external Internet addresses. If this field contains entries, Domino rejects outbound Internet mail sent from the specified Internet addresses and returns it to the sender. All other users can send Internet mail.

Enter Internet addresses in the form, or enter the name of a Notes group listing the Internet addresses from which to deny outbound Internet mail.

Wildcards (for example, * and isolated Internet domain suffixes (for example, are not acceptable values in this field.

Group entries cannot contain a domain part or dot ('.'). For example, the group with the name DenyMail is valid, but the groups named or Denymail@iris are not.

Allow messages only from the following Notes addresses to be sent to the InternetSpecifies the Notes user names from which Domino accepts mail destined for external Internet addresses. If this field contains entries, Domino accepts outbound Internet mail from the specified entries only and rejects outbound Internet mail sent from all other Notes addresses. Rejected mail is returned to the sender.

Enter fully-qualified Notes addresses in the form User/Organizational_unit/Organization, or enter the name of a Notes group whose members you want to prevent from sending Internet mail.

Group entries cannot contain a domain part or dot ('.'). For example, the group with the name DenyMail is valid, but the groups named or Denymail@iris are not.

Deny messages from the following Notes addresses to be sent to the InternetSpecifies the Notes user names from which Domino does not accept mail destined for external Internet addresses. If this field contains entries, Domino rejects outbound Internet mail sent from the specified entries and returns it to the sender. Domino accepts outbound Internet mail from all other Notes addresses.

Enter fully-qualified Notes addresses in the form User/Organizational_unit/Organization or the name of a Notes group whose members you want to prevent from sending Internet mail.

Group entries cannot contain a domain part or dot ('.'). For example, the group with the name DenyMail is valid, but the groups named or Denymail@iris are not.

Outbound Recipient Controls
Allow messages only to recipients in the following Internet domains or host namesSpecifies the Internet domains, such as, and Internet host names, such as, to which Domino can send mail. If there are entries in this field, users can only send Internet mail to the specified entities. Domino denies mail to all other domains or host names.

If you specify an Internet domain, users can send mail to any host or sub-domain in that domain. Domino matches entries against the last part of domain names or host names, so entering allows mail to as well

Group entries cannot contain a domain part or dot ('.'). For example, the group with the name AllowMail is valid, but the groups named or Allowmail@iris are not.

Note If you list a host name that matches an MX record for a domain, Domino allows mail to all recipients in that domain. For example, if exactly matches the name of an MX host in the DNS for the domain, entering it in this field allows all mail to that domain.

Deny messages to recipients in the following Internet domains or host namesSpecifies the Internet domains, such as, and Internet host names, such as, to which Domino cannot send mail. Domino allows mail to all other domains or host names. Domino matches entries against the last part of domain names or host names, so entering denies mail to as well as

Group entries cannot contain a domain part or dot ('.'). For example, the group with the name DenyMail is valid, but the groups named or Denymail@iris are not.

Note If you enter a host name that matches an MX record for a domain, mail to all host names / MX records for that domain is denied. Thus, specifying a host name that matches an MX record for a domain denies all mail to that domain.