Note Some of the security policy settings are supported by IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Access. For information on creating a security setting document for Domino Web Access users, see the topic Using policies with Lotus Domino Web Access.
To create a security settings document
1. Make sure that you have Editor access to the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Directory and one of these roles:
3. Click "Add Settings," and then choose Security.
4. On the Basics tab, complete these fields:
Complete the following fields on the Password Management tab.
For more information about Notes and Internet passwords, see the topics Setting up password verification and Name-and-password authentication for Internet clients.
Caution Do not enable password expiration if users use Smartcards to log in to Domino servers.
Note If you set this value to less than 30, the value for the "Warning period" field is calculated automatically. The calculated value is 80% of the value entered for this field.
Note The value of this field is calculated if the "Required change interval" setting is set at less than 30 days. Password expiration must be enabled in order for the value of this field to be calculated. If this value is calculated, it cannot be overwritten.
Note The custom warning message is for Notes clients only, regardless of how you enabled password expiration. Internet users do not see the warning message.
Complete the following fields on the Internet Password Lockout Settings tab.
For more information on Internet password lockout, see Securing Internet passwords.
Note The server must enforce Internet password lockout for these policy settings to be in effect.
For more information, see Understanding the password quality scale.
If you have chosen to implement a custom password policy, complete these fields on the Custom Password Policy tab. For more information, see Custom password policies.
Note This only works if the policy is applied during user registration.
After you enter a number, a checklist appears, listing the character types you can specify for this requirement. You can pick any combination of the following:
Complete the fields on the Execution Control List tab to configure administration ECLs used in your organization.
For more information about administration and client ECLs, see the topics The execution control list and Default ECL settings.
If the admin ECL lists a signature that the client ECL does not, than that signature and its settings are added to the client ECL.
If the client ECL and the admin ECL list the same signature, than the settings for the signature in the client ECL are discarded and replaced by those for the signature in the admin ECL.
1. On the security settings document toolbar, click Edit Settings.
Note Clicking Cancel leaves the name of the admin ECL displayed in the settings document unchanged.
Enabling key rollover
Complete the fields on the Keys and Certificates tab to configure key rollover for groups of users. You specify triggers that initiate key rollover for a group or groups of users. You have the option of spacing out the rollover process over a specified period of time for the group of users to which this policy applies.
For more information on key rollover, see the topic User and server key rollover.
The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) enables applications to determine the revocation state of an identified certificate. OCSP checks are made during S/MIME signature verification and mail encryption by the Notes client. OCSP is enabled through a policy, using the "Enable OCSP checking" setting on the Keys and Certificates tab of the security settings document.
Configuring signed plug-ins
Plug-ins are provisioned with the client software and are ordinarily signed with a certificate that is trusted by Notes clients, and verifies that the data they contain is not corrupted. Plug-ins signed in this way can then be installed without having to prompt users to accept them.
Occasionally, a plug-in is found to have a problem. Either it is unsigned, not signed with a trusted certificate, or the certificate has either expired or is not yet valid. For these cases, you can establish a policy for never installing these plug-ins, always installing them, or asking users to decide at the time the plug-in is installed on their workstations.