1. Ensure that you are working with the xSP server you just installed. If you need to change to another server, choose File - Open Server, or File - Preferences - Administration Preferences to select the server.
2. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
3. From the Tools pane, click Hosted Org - Create.
4. Enter the certifier's password, and click OK.
5. Complete these fields on the Basics panel of the Register Hosted Organization interface:
For all other servers, a check mark in this box identifies that server as a host server for the hosted organization.
To add a directory link, enter the full path for the storage location and then click the check box so that the directory link displays in the Physical Storage Location field.
To delete a directory link, select the link in the ServerName/Physical Storage Location fields. When the path displays in the modifiable "Physical Storage Location for <server>" field, click the X..
for the hosted organization. This policy must contain the
necessary hosted organization settings. Do you want to
configure that policy now?"
12. Click Register. The Internet Site document for the first protocol you specified appears. Modify the defaults, and add new information as necessary.
Note If the hosted organization supports DOLS, on the Web Site document, specify a DSAPI filter file name according to the operating system of the xSP server that hosts that hosted organization. Win32 requires the file ndolextn; and Linux, AIX, Solaris/Sparc, S390, and iSeries require libdolextn.
For more information on Internet Site documents, see the topics Internet Site documents and Creating an Internet Site document. For more information on the Web Site document, see Hosting Web sites.
Modifying the extended ACL settings established during hosted organization registration
Plan and test carefully before you modify ACLs and extended ACLs in an xSP environment -- security is extremely important.
When hosted organization registration is complete, all actions that are identified in the topic "What happens when you register a hosted organization?" are complete. You may want to enable Read access on some fields for a hosted organization. To allow Read access to fields for the anonymous entry in a hosted organization, in the extended ACL settings, change Browse from Deny to Allow. In the Forms and Fields Access section, select Show Modified, and change the fields from Read Deny to Read Allow.
Note The individual fields are listed in the topic "What happens when you register a hosted organization?" in this chapter.
See also