Managing databases with the Files tab
Use the Files tab to manage databases from the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Files tab.

2. Select one or more databases in the files pane.

3. In the tools pane on the right, select Database and then select a tool described in the following table. Or drag selected database(s) to the tool.
Database toolDescription
Manage ACL Manages access control lists
Create ReplicaCreates replicas of databases using the Administration Process server task
CompactCompacts databases
Full-text indexManages full-text indexes
Multi-Database Index Enables and disables multi-database indexing for databases
Advanced PropertiesSet advanced database properties

Note The Advanced Database Properties are available only to those administrators listed in the Administrators field on the Security tab of the Server document.

QuotasSet quotas to limit the size of databases
MoveMoves databases using the Administration Process server task
Sign Signs databases with signatures that can be used for workstation data security
ReplicationEnables and disables replication of databases
FixupFixes corrupted databases
ClusterManages databases in a cluster
Analyze Runs a database analysis
Find NoteFinds a document based on Note ID or UNID and displays its properties to aid in troubleshooting
Create DB Event GeneratorMonitors a database based on various criteria
Manage ViewsFrees space used by view indexes
See also