For information about creating DB2 user accounts and granting privileges in DB2, go to the DB2 Information Center
1. Ensure that the Domino server user is a member of the group DB2DOM (SYSCTRL_GROUP).
2. Ensure that you have at least one other DB2 user account that has SYSADM authority.
3. Connect to the DB2 database using the User ID that has SYSADM authority.
4. Grant SECADM authority to the Domino server ID.
5. Connect to the DB2 database using the Domino server ID.
6. Grant SETSESSIONUSER privilege to the group, DB2DOM.
Make the following assumptions:
1. Type this command:
3. Type this command:
6. Type this command:
Domino now has the SETSESSIONUSER privilege when needed.
If you are using an IBM® AIX® or Linux® platform, return to the roadmap topic Enabling the Domino server to communicate with the DB2 server.
See also