Table of replication settings
By default, two replicas exchange all edits, additions, and deletions if the servers the replicas are on have the necessary access. However, you can customize replication. For example, to save disk space, you can prevent the transfer of documents that are not pertinent to your site.

You can specify replication settings on a new replica as you create it or on an existing replica. You can specify some replication settings for multiple replicas at once from a central source replica. You must have Manager access to a replica to set replication settings for it.

Caution Replication settings are not intended to be used as a security measure.

This table summarizes the available replication settings.
SettingControlsPanel option
Remove documents not modified in the last x daysWhen IBM® Lotus® Domino™ purges document deletion stubs and, optionally, unmodified documentsSpace Savers
Only replicate incoming documents saved or modified after: dateThe cutoff date, so that a replica only receives documents created or modified since the date.

Which documents are scanned during the first replication after clearing the replication history

Receive summary and 40KB of rich text onlyThe size of documents that a replica receivesSpace Savers
Replicate a subset of documentsWhich documents a replica receivesSpace Savers


ReplicateWhich non-document elements this replica receivesAdvanced
Do not send deletions made in this replica to other replicasWhether a replica can send document deletions to other replicasSend
Do not send changes in database title & catalog info to other replicasWhether a replica can send changes to the database title and Database Catalog categories to other replicasSend
Do not send changes in local security property to other replicas Whether a replica can send changes to the Encryption database property (in the Basics tab of the Database Properties box) to other replicasSend
Temporarily disable replicationWhether a replica can replicateOther
Scheduled replication priorityThe replication priority of a database used in Connection documents for scheduling replicationOther
CD-ROM publishing dateThe publishing date for a database on a CD-ROMOther
You can manage these settings for multiple replicas from a central source replica.

For more information, see Specifying replication settings for multiple replicas from one source replica.

See also