Configuration Settings document - Diagnostics tab
Complete these fields.
Mail-in Database for diagnostic reportsClick in this field, and then select the mail-in database (in the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ directory) to which you want the diagnostic report for server crashes mailed. Click OK.
Maximum size of diagnostic records including attachments (in MB)During server initialization, system information from several documents and files is saved. In order to avoid consuming excessive disk space, the number of files collected can be limited. By default, a maximum of ten files of each type, including NSD, is collected.
Maximum size of NSD output to attach (in MB)Specify the maximum size of the NSD output, starting at the beginning of the file, that will be attached to the memo sent to the mail-in database.
Maximum amount of console output file to attach (in KB)Use the default value of 10240, or enter another value between 10MB and 1KB 10240 is the upper limit. This value represents the portion of the CONSOLE.LOG file to be sent, beginning with the end of the file and moving toward the beginning.
Diagnostic file patternsEnter a file name pattern that Domino will search for. If the pattern is located and it is listed in the file, DIAGINDEX.NBF, the file will be attached to the message that is sent to the mail-in database. DIAGINDEX.NBF contains all of the files associated with the crashing instance of the client or server. For example, the following is a file pattern: addin_log*.txt. These files would be located based on that pattern:addin_log1.txt, addin_log_2004_11_23@16_21_20.txt, etc...
Remove diagnostic files after a specified number of daysChoose one of these:
  • No -- (Default) Choose No to accept the default of never automatically deleting the diagnostic files created on the server.
  • Yes -- Choose Yes to enter the number of days after which the diagnostic files on the server are to be deleted. Displays the field "Number of days to keep diagnostic files."
Number of days to keep diagnostic filesAccept the default value of 365 days, or enter another value representing the number of days after which the diagnostic files are to be deleted from the server. (This field displays only if you chose Yes for the "Remove diagnostic files after a specified number of days.")

Fault Analyzer
Run Fault Analyzer on Fault DBs on this serverChoose one:
  • Yes -- Enables the Fault Analyzer task on this server.
  • No -- Disables the Fault Analyzer task on this server.
Run Fault Analyzer onChoose one:
  • All mail-in databases on this server - Fault Analyzer runs on all mail-in databases on this server. Fault Report documents can be posted to any mail-in database on the server.
  • Specific mail-in databases - Displays the field "Databases to run Fault Analyzer against". Fault Reports will be posted to the databases that you specify.
Databases to run fault analyzer againstSpecify the databases against which you want Fault Analyzer to run. The Fault Analyzer task searches these database for Fault Report documents and determines whether the stack matches a crash that has already been seen by a user or server at that customer site.
Remove attachments from duplicate faultsIf Fault Analyzer locates duplicate fault reports, the new crash is reported as a response to the original crash and attachments are either removed from the response document to save space in the database, or they are saved with the response document. Choose one:
  • Yes -- Attachments are removed from the response document to save space in the database
  • No -- Attachments are saved with the response document.

See also