Reusing child windows
IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Access can reuse windows that are already open, thereby reducing the time it takes to perform certain actions. When this feature is set, Domino Web Access caches, and then reuses portions of the Mail and Calendar forms that do not change. By reusing the Read Message, New Message, and New Calendar Entry windows, the performance time is improved for some of the most frequently used actions: reading and creating e-mail messages, and creating Calendar entries.

For example, when a user opens a message, the Read Message window opens. The Read Message form is also cached, without the message text. The form is then used to display any additional messages that the user opens in the same window. This eliminates the time it takes to close the first window and open a subsequent message in a new one.

You can enable this feature globally, which enforces it for all users. If you do not enable it globally, end users can still enable it on an individual basis by setting a Domino Web Access preference.

To enable reuse child windows globally, edit the mail server's Configuration Settings document and check "Reuse Child Windows" under Other Settings.

Remove the Reuse Child Windows user preference

You can disable reuse child windows globally so that the end user preference "Reuse Child Windows" does not appear in the client preferences using the NOTES.INI setting iNotes_WA_DisableReuseChildWindows=1.

Note A current listing of Domino Web Access NOTES.INI settings can be found on the Lotus developerWorks Web site at

See also