Failover and workload balancing
When using the ICM, failover and workload balancing work the same as in standard IBM® Lotus® Domino™ clusters. Domino computes the server availability index based on all open sessions, whether they are from IBM® Lotus® Notes® clients, HTTP clients, or other Domino services. To configure workload balancing and failover, you use the same settings, such as Server_Restricted and Server_Availability_Threshold. For database availability, you also use the same settings, such as marking a database out of service or pending delete.

Note Unlike in a standard Domino cluster, the ICM can direct a client to a server that is in the MAXUSERS state, if no other server is available. The NOTES.INI setting, Server_MaxUsers, applies only to NRPC; it does not apply to HTTP.

The ICM maintains the following information so that it can find a replica when a client asks for one:

To determine which replica of a database to open, the ICM does the following:
After choosing the server to access, the ICM looks at the Server document to determine which port to use to access the server.

When a server fails

When an HTTP client is connected to a server that fails, the client receives a message saying that the server is not responding. To fail over to a different replica, if one is available, the user must contact the ICM again. The user can do this in the following ways:

The user may or may not have to reauthenticate with the new server. This is determined by the following factors: