To take advantage of the space savings already achieved, you may choose to preserve inactive shared mail databases in their current state. If you do decide to retain these inactive databases, they must remain in their current location to allow users to access messages.
If you no longer want users' mail files to reference the inactive shared mail databases, unlink the inactive databases before removing them to prevent message loss. For instructions on how to unlink shared mail databases before removal, see the topic "Deleting a shared mail database" earlier in this chapter.
To disable shared mail
1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Administrator, click the Configuration tab and then expand the Server section.
2. Select the Server document to be edited and then click Edit Server.
3. Click the Shared Mail tab.
4. In the Shared Mail field, choose None.
5. To refresh the shared mail configuration enter the following command at the server console:
After you disable shared mail, the Router stops adding new messages to shared mail databases. However, users whose mail files remain linked to the shared mail database can still access previously received messages.