Configuration Settings document - Smart Upgrade tab
Use these settings to enable and configure Smart Upgrade.
Smart Upgrade Database linkPaste the database links for the Smart Upgrade databases that you created using the Smart Upgrade Kits template, SMUPGRADE.NTF. The Smart Upgrade database stores the Notes client update kits that are used to upgrade the IBM® Lotus® Notes® clients.

Database links for Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade databases that host Notes client update kits. After you create a database from the Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade Kits template, copy the database link to this field. Lotus Notes clients can connect to this database to receive automatic software updates.

Note In IBM® Lotus® Domino™ 7.0 and more recent, the Smart Upgrade kits are available in English and other languages (for language packs).

Limit Concurrent Smart UpgradeClick Enable in the field Limit Concurrent Smart Upgrade to enable the Smart Upgrade Governor. When Smart Upgrade Governor is enabled, you can limit the number of times that Smart Upgrade attempts are made by specifying a value in the field "Maximum Concurrent Downloads.".
Maximum Concurrent DownloadsEnter a value for the maximum concurrent number of Smart Upgrade attempts that can be made while the Smart Upgrade Governor is enabled.