Step 1: Open the domain Configuration Settings document in the directory To open the domain Configuration Settings document for the primary Domino Directory:
1. From the Domino Administrator, open a server within the domain that runs the LDAP service.
2. Click the Configuration tab.
3. In the left pane, expand Directory, then LDAP, and then select Settings.
4. Do one of the following:
If you do not see the prompt, click "Edit LDAP Settings."
1. From the Domino Administrator, open the directory.
2. Select the Servers - Configurations view.
3. If you do not see a domain Configuration Settings document in the view, a document named * - [All Servers], skip to step 4. If you do see this document, do the following:
1. Next to "Choose fields that anonymous users can query via LDAP" select "Select Attribute Types" to open the LDAP Attribute Type Selection dialog box.
3. To remove an attribute from the "Queriable Attribute Types" box to prevent anonymous LDAP users from accessing the attribute, select the attribute and click Remove. Or, to remove all attributes, click Remove All.
5. Click Save & Close to save the changes in the Configuration Settings document.
6. Do the following for each server in the domain that runs the LDAP service: