Move database from a cluster server
You can use the Administration Process to move a database from a cluster server to another server by choosing Database - Move from the tools pane. This request creates a replica of the original database on another server.

Flowchart of the administration requests that are generated when you move a database from a clustered server

Note The "Maintain Trends database record" request is executed as part of a database move initiated due to resource balancing initiated by the Activity Trends tool.

Check access for move replica creation

Move replica
Change the server on which the agent runs

This request is generated only when there is an agent on the source server that needs to be signed by the destination server prior to running the agent.

Maintain Trends database record
Monitor replica stub
Delete original replica after move
Timing for move database from a cluster server
Check access for move replica creationImmediate
Move replicaImmediate
Monitor replica stubInterval
Delete original replica after moveInterval
See also