Field | Describes |
Date | Date of the event |
Time | Time of event |
Source of Event Information | The analyzed database or its replicas or the log file (LOG.NSF) |
Source Database | Name of a database containing documents that were read
For database replication events, name of database from which information was pulled |
Source | Name of server that stores a database containing documents that were read or written
For database replication events, name of server that stores the database from which information was pulled |
Destination | Name of a database on which documents were updated
For database replication, name of the database to which information was replicated |
Destination machine | Name of a server that stores a database that was updated
For database replication, name of a server that stores a database to which information is replicated |
Description | Description of the event |
Event | Describes | Required database analysis option |
Activity | Number of user or server reads and writes generated by the Statlog task | User reads
User writes |
+Activity | Number of user reads and writes as noted in the database and in the log file | Log file activity
User reads or User writes |
Mail Router | Number of documents delivered to the database | User writes |
Data Note | Document creations, edits, and deletions | Changes to documents |
Design Note | Changes to the database ACL and design | Changes to design |
Replicator | Replication history | Replication history |
+Replicator | Number of replication additions, updates, and deletions, as reported in the log file (LOG.NSF) | Log file activity |