The DB2 Server Enablement Tool is the recommended method of enabling Domino access to a DB2 server. The DB2 Server Enablement Tool does the following:
The Domino server user
The Domino server user name and password are stored in the Domino server's ID file. The Domino server user account enables Domino to access a DB2 server. Create one Domino server user account for each Domino server.
Note If you are using Microsoft Windows and you have already created a system control group to which you want to add the Domino server user, add the Domino server user to that group.
After creating the Domino server user account, create a Domino server user group named DB2DOM and add the Domino server user to that group. You must then manually define DB2DOM as a system control group in DB2. The system control group parameter assigns system control (SYSCTRL) authority to the group name. The Domino server user account is a member of the DB2DOM group that has SYSCTRL authority; and as such, the Domino server user account has the right to allow Domino to access the DB2 server. The Domino server user has complete authorization over the DB2 database and its contents. This server user acts on behalf of all Notes users.
Note If you have a Windows user account that you want to use as the Domino server user, begin this process with Step 3 of the procedure in the topic Manually creating the Domino server user account and the DB2DOM group.
For information about defining DB2DOM as a system control group in DB2, see the topic Designating the DB2DOM group a system control group and adding the Domino server user to the system control group.
Activating the SYSCTRL_GROUP setting
This information applies regardless of whether you use the Server Enablement Tool or you manually create the Domino server user and DB2DOM group. If the SYSCTRL_GROUP is set up for the first time in DB2, stop and start the DB2 server by issuing the following commands from the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP):
In this procedure, all of the steps apply to all supported platforms unless there is a notation at the beginning of the step that indicates it is for IBM® AIX® only or Microsoft Windows only. If a step does not apply to your configuration, just omit that step and proceed to the next step.
1. From the Domino Administrator, point to the server you are enabling.
2. Have this information available before you begin the procedure:
1. From the Domino Administrator, click Configuration.
2. Click DB2 Server -- Enable Server for DB2.
Note This field only applies to local configurations.
Note If multiple Domino servers are connected to different instances of the same DB2 server, the directory that you specify must be unique for each Domino server, or the Directory field must be blank for each Domino server. This is an advanced setting and in most cases, the default can be used.
Open the DB2 Control Center to obtain this information, and then right click the instance to which you are connecting. Select "Setup Communications." Review the TCP/IP properties. An example of a service name is db2c_DB2. An example of a port number is 50000. You can use either in this field.
Do one:
4. Click Enable.
5. One of these occurs, according to platform:
If you are using a Microsoft Windows platform, return to the roadmap topic Enabling the Domino server to communicate with the DB2 server
If you are using an IBM AIX or Linux platform, return to the roadmap topic Enabling the Domino server to communicate with the DB2 server.
See also