Using client mail rules
IBM® Lotus® Notes® users can create mail file rules that automatically process new mail. Servers that are delivering mail and running client mail rules must be running Domino 6.0.3, Domino 6.5, or more recent versions. Client mail rules specify an action to take when a newly-delivered message meets certain conditions. For example, one action that may be included in client mail rules is the stop processing action. The stop processing action stops the processing of all rules that are preceded by the rule containing the stop processing action. You can use the stop processing action alone, that is, as the only action in a mail rule, or you can use it with another action in a rule. The stop processing action can also be included in one rule that is in a series of rules. This is especially useful when more than one rule applies to a message, but you want execution of client mail rules to stop after the first action is executed.
For information about client mail rules see the Notes client online help.
1. Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.
2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.
3. Click Configurations.
4. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.
5. Click the Router/SMTP - Restrictions and Controls - Delivery Controls tab.
6. Complete these fields in the Delivery Controls section, and then click Save & Close:
See also