Creating a desktop policy settings document
Note All of the settings available in the setup policy settings document are also included in the desktop policy settings document. You can now use just one document -- the desktop policy settings document -- to establish the desktop policy settings as well as many of the setup policy settings. When you use the desktop policy setting document to establish a setting to be applied at setup, choose the accompanying option "Set Initial Value." If you have setup policy settings documents that you created with previous releases of IBM® Lotus® Domino™, you can continue to use those same documents. We strongly suggest, however, that going forward you use the updated desktop policy settings document to define both your desktop policy settings and your setup policy settings.

For more information about using the option, Set initial value, see the topic Controlling individual desktop and mail policy settings.

You use a desktop policy settings document to control the user's workspace. Desktop settings are enforced the first time a user logs in to IBM® Lotus® Notes® and runs setup. After the initial setup, you can use them to update the user's desktop settings. Users receive updates to the settings when any of the policy settings change, and then the desktop policy settings are enforced the next time users authenticate with their home server.

For information about using policies to assign NOTES.INI variables to Notes client users, see the topic Using policies to assign NOTES.INI settings to Notes client users.

To use a desktop policy settings document to add to or update the user’s desktop workspace, change the setting in the desktop policy settings document. Other changes you can make to the user's desktop workspace include setting up a default home page, customizing the welcome page, customizing the My Work Welcome page, upgrading the mail template, enabling automatic diagnostic data collection for client crashes, specifying how and when Smart Upgrade runs to upgrade the Notes client, and configuring a Smart Upgrade Tracking Reports database. If you are updating from a previous version of Domino, you can use a desktop policy settings document to define the settings used when converting previous mail file templates to a more recent mail template. Based on the settings that you enter, an agent can automatically be run to upgrade the user's mail folders the first time the user opens their mail file after the client has been upgraded.

For information about the Smart Upgrade Tracking Reports database, see the topic Smart Upgrade Tracking Reports database.

Use the desktop policy settings document to modify user Location documents, and to populate the dialing rules for dial-up connections that simplify server connections.

The default replication schedule, normal or high-priority, is now controlled by settings you specify in the desktop policy settings document. The settings are on the Preferences - Replication tab.

You also use a desktop policy settings document to manage and update bookmarks.

You can also set user preferences, usually set by Notes users. When setting user preferences, you can specify how these values are applied, that is, whether the user can change a setting, whether the user-specified setting is save, as well as other options. The settings you can choose from are Do not change, Set initial value, Set value whenever modified, ane Set value and prevent changes.

For more information about specifying how these settings are applied, see the topic Controlling individual desktop and mail policy settings.

The desktop policy settings document includes a Notes Application Plug In section on the Basics tab. Use these settings to specify whether instant messaging services are provided by IBM Lotus Sametime. You also specify whether instant messaging name resolution (converting Notes names to Internet names) is performed by the Domino Directory.

Note This Note applies to the Notes client, Basic configuration only. An important user preference about which administrators should be aware is the option to "Use canonical name for instant messaging status lookup." Enabling this setting for users lets them display online awareness for names when your IBM Lotus Sametime server is configured to look up Notes canonical hierarchical names, for example, CN=John Smith/OU=Sales/O=Acme instead of Notes abbreviated hierarchical names, for example, John Smith/Sales/Acme. The feature described here is available only if your company has an IBM Lotus Sametime server, and only for Microsoft® Windows® versions of IBM® Lotus® Notes®. Enable this setting in Preferences - Instant Messaging.

Note Desktop policy settings are not supported by IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Access.

To create Desktop settings

1. Make sure that you have Editor access to the Domino Directory and one of these roles:

2. From the Domino Administrator, select the People & Groups tab, and open the Settings view.

3. Click "Add Settings," and then choose Desktop.

4. On the Basics tab, complete these fields:

5. Under Homepage/Welcome Page Options, complete these fields:
Corporate Welcome Pages databaseAdd the database link to the database containing custom welcome pages and/or custom My Work pages.

Note You cannot use the IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Web Administrator to create links.

Default Welcome pageDo one:
  • Select the welcome page that users see when they start Notes.
  • Select Workplace if you want users to see and use the My Work Welcome page for Notes instead of a default or custom Welcome page.
  • Select "No default Welcome Page" if there is no default welcome page. (default)
Home page selectionChoose this option if you want to prohibit users from choosing their own home page. If you check this check box, users cannot change the welcome page or the My Work page to anything other than what is defined in the policy. The drop-down list is not active.
For more information on welcome pages, see the topic Custom welcome page deployment.

6. Specify whether to allow Private Location documents. A private location document is created by a user, who designates who can use that document in the Only for user field on the Advanced - Basics tab of the Location document.

7. If you are using the Notes Application Plug-in, complete these fields to set up instant messaging:
Instant Messaging ProviderChoose IBM Lotus Sametime this option if you want IBM Lotus Sametime and Web Conferencing to provide instant messaging services.
8. In the Server Options section, complete these fields:
Catalog/Domain Search serverChoose the name of the server used for domain searches.
Directory serverEnter the name of the server whose Domino Directory you want users to use.
IBM Lotus Instant Messaging serverEnter the name of the server used to connect to IBM Lotus Instant Messaging.
Local mailfileChoose this option to create a local copy of the user’s mail file.
9. Under Mail Template Information, complete these fields if you are converting from a previous Domino mail template:
Prompt user before upgrading mail fileDo one:
  • Check yes to inform users before upgrading their mail files. This option allows users to defer the upgrade.
  • Uncheck (default) to upgrade without notification.
Old design template name for your mail filesThe default asterisk (*) uses any mail template.

(Optional) Enter the name of the current template you are using.

If running this version of Notes:Enter the build version of the Notes client. Do not include the date, but do include all of the text to the left of the date. To upgrade all versions, use an asterisk *.

Tip To find the build version, use Help - About Domino Administrator.

Use this Mail templateEnter the new mail template file name.
Ignore 200 category limitBy default the number of folders created during conversion is limited to 200 folders. Do one:
  • Check yes to override that limit and create as many folders as necessary (default).
  • Uncheck to enforce the limit.
Mail file to be used by IMAP mail clientsDo one:
  • Check if mail file will be used by an IMAP mail client.
  • Uncheck if IMAP will not be used (default).
Upgrade the design of custom foldersThe conversion does not upgrade private folders automatically. Do one:
  • Check yes to include custom folders in the design upgrade (default).
  • Uncheck to exclude custom folders in the design upgrade.
Prompt before upgrading folder designDo one:
  • Check yes to inform users before upgrading their mail folder design. Allows users to defer the upgrade.
  • Uncheck (default) to upgrade folder design without notifying users.
Notify these administrators of mail upgrade statusIf you chose to notify users before updating mail template or folders, enter the names of administrators who should receive mail upgrade status information.
10. Under Browser Options, complete these fields:
Internet browserSpecify the Internet browser used from this location. If you chose Notes or Notes with Internet Explorer as the Internet browser, choose the location from which to run the Web Retriever process.
Default Web search engineSpecify the Web search engine to be used for Web searches.
11. Under Calendaring and Scheduling, complete this field:
Reschedule repeating meetings using ResetTimes featureEnable to allow users to reset repeating meetings that have been rescheduled with different start and end times to the same start and end time. This is disabled by default.
12. Under Provisioning, enable or disable the option to allow users to perform user-initiated updates. This option is not available with the Notes 8 client (basic configuration).

For more information about user initiated updates to the Notes client, see the topic Enabling user-initiated update for Notes 8.

13. On the Smart Upgrade tab, complete these fields according to whether you use the Smart Upgrade feature, and if you are using it, according to how you use it.
Deploy versionIf you use Smart Upgrade, enter the Notes version to which you want users to upgrade.
Upgrade deadlineIf you use Smart Upgrade, use mm/dd/yyyy format to enter the date by which users must upgrade. If users to do not upgrade by this date, the upgrade happens automatically.
Remind me every hour after "upgrade deadline" has passedCheck this field if you want to send an hourly reminder to users who have not updated their clients by the deadline set in the field "Upgrade deadline."
Mail-in Database for Smart Upgrade reports:By default, the name of the mail-in database for Smart Upgrade appears. If a Smart Upgrade mail-in database name is not displayed but one exists, you can specify one. This field is required to enable Smart Upgrade Tracking for the users or groups in policy settings document. If a Smart Upgrade mail-in database does not exist, you must create one.

For more information, see the topic Creating a Mail-In Database document for a new database.

Remove Smart Upgrade tracking files after a specified number of days:Choose one:
  • Yes -- Automatically deletes the Smart Upgrade tracking files when the specified time period for maintaining files is exceeded and the Notes Client is restarted. When field appears, enter number of days.
  • No -- Maintains the Smart Upgrade tracking files after the specified time for maintaining the files is exceeded. The files are not deleted.
Number of days to keep Smart Upgrade Tracking filesEnter the number of days to keep the Smart Upgrade Tracking log files stored in the user's Notes client data directory\IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT\Smart Upgrade. The default is 365 days.

Note This field appears only if you choose Yes in the field "Remove Smart Upgrade Tracking files after a specified number of days:"

14. On the Databases tab, complete one or more of these fields to add databases to the user’s workspace:

15. On the Dial-up Connections tab, enter information about the default passthru and other remote servers.

16. On the Accounts tab, enter the default account information for Internet servers.

17. On the Name Servers tab, enter the names and addresses of secondary TCP/IP, NDS and NetBIOS Notes name servers.

18. On the SSL tab, complete these fields:
Accepts SSL Site certificatesChoose one:
  • Yes to allow the server to accept the site certificate and use SSL to access an Internet server, even if the Domino server does not have a certificate in common with the Internet server.
  • No to not allow this server to accept site certificates.
Accept expired SSL certificatesChoose one:
  • Yes to allow clients to access the server, even if the client certificate is expired.
  • No to not allow clients to access the server with expired client certificates.
SSL protocol versionChoose one:
  • V2.0 only to allow only SSL 2.0 connections.
  • V3.0 handshake to attempt an SSL 3.0 connection. If this fails and the requester detects SSL 2.0, then attempts to connect using SSL 2.0.
  • V3.0 only to allow only SSL 3.0 connections.
  • V3.0 and V2.0 handshake to attempt an SSL 3.0 connection, but start with an SSL.2.0 handshake, which displays relevant error messages. Makes an SSL 3.0 connection, if possible.
  • Negotiated (default) to attempt an SSL 3.0 connection. If it fails, the server attempts to use SSL 2.0. Use this setting unless you are having connection problems caused by incompatible protocol versions. Note Domino does not use this field for HTTP.
19. On the Applet Security tab, complete these fields:
Trusted hostsSpecify the host domains where Java™ applets are assumed to be safe, that is, trusted.
Network access for trusted hostsSpecify the level of access for Java applets originating from hosts listed in the Trusted Hosts field. Choose one:
  • Disable Java
  • No access allowed
  • Allow access only to originating host
  • Allow access to any trusted host
  • Allow access to any host
Network access for untrusted hostsSpecify the level of access for Java applets originating from hosts not listed in the Trusted Hosts field. Choose one:
  • Disable Java
  • No access allowed
  • Allow access only to originating host
Trust HTTP proxySpecify whether you want to trust the HTTP proxy server to consistently resolve host names to IP addresses. Choose one:
  • Yes
  • No
20. Complete these fields on the Proxies tab:
HTTP ProxyIf you are using an HTTP proxy server to connect to the Internet, specify the proxy name and port number in this format: fully-qualified proxy server name:port number.
Use HTTP proxy for these Internet protocols: Click Yes or No according to whether you want to use the HTTP proxy for all Internet protocols.
FTP proxyIf you are using an FTP proxy server, specify the fully-qualified domain name and port number in this format: fully-qualified proxy server name:port number.
Gopher proxyIf you are using a Gopher proxy server to connect to the Internet, specify the fully-qualified domain name and port number in this format: fully-qualified proxy server name:port number.
Security proxyIf you are using a Security proxy server to connect to the Internet, specify the fully-qualified domain name and port number in this format: fully-qualified proxy server name:port number.
SOCKS proxyIf you are using a SOCKS proxy server to connect to the Internet, specify the fully-qualified domain name and port number in this format: fully-qualified proxy server name:port number.
HTTP Tunnel proxyIf you are using an HTTP Tunnel proxy server to connect to the Internet, specify the fully-qualified domain name and port number in this format: fully-qualified proxy server name:port number.
No proxy for these hosts and domainsIf the server is configured to use a proxy, it uses the proxy for all connection. To prevent use of the proxy for connections to certain servers, specify the server name with domain.
21. On the Mail tab, choose the format to use for messages to Internet addresses. You can choose either Notes Rich Text Format or MIME.

22. Complete these fields on the Preferences - Basics tab:
Icon color schemeSpecify a color scheme to apply to the icons on the Bookmark bar.
Empty trash folderChoose one:
  • Prompt me during database close -- Asks the user whether to clear the mail in the trash folder each time they close their mail database.
  • Always during database close -- Automatically clear the mail in the trash folder each time the user closes their mail database.
  • Manually -- Cancel automatic clearing of the trash folder.
Scan for unreadEnable this setting if you want Notes to scan for unread documents when the user opens the database.
Save state on exitEnable this setting if you want to save the state of the window tabs when exiting Notes so that the Notes user will see the same open windows the next time Notes starts.
Enable AutoSaveEnable this setting if you want Notes to automatically save documents the user is working on to a local AutoSave database in case they need to recover their work after a power outage or system crash. When a Notes users finishes working on a document and sends, saves or discards it, Notes removes it from the local database.
AutoSave every N minutesSpecify how often Notes should run AutoSave to automatically save documents that the user has open.
Lock ID after N minutes of inactivityUse this setting to allow Notes to lock User IDs after a specified time period of inactivity. When Notes locks a User ID, the screen automatically clears. Specify the maximum amount of inactive time allowed, that is, the number of inactive minutes allowed before the user's Notes ID is locked.
Enable scheduled local agentsEnable this setting if you want local agents to run when the user starts the Notes client.
23. Complete these fields on the Preferences - Miscellaneous tab:
Mark documents read when opened in a preview paneEnable this setting if you want to mark a document "Read' after it opens in a preview pane. Previewing allows a user to see part of a document's contents without having to open the actual document. The preview pane is a separate frame that opens in the current view.
Make Internet URLs into HotspotsEnable this setting if you want Notes to change URLs into clickable hotspots.
Textured WorkspaceEnable this setting if you want the user's workspace to appear three-dimensional.
Right double-click closes windowEnable this setting if you want to allow the user to close the current Notes window by right double-clicking the mouse. The setting applies only to Microsoft® Windows®.
Enable Java appletsEnable this setting if you want to allow Java applets to run in Notes. To run a Java applet, the Web page's server must access the user's system.
Enable JavaScriptEnable this setting to allow Notes to provide support for running JavaScript through the Web Navigator on Windows.
Enable Java access from JavaScriptEnable this setting to run LiveConnect from Netscape, if the applet is configured to include the CORBA back-end classes. The option corresponds to the NOTES.INI setting EnableLiveConnect(=1).
Enable Plugins in Notes BrowserEnable this setting to allow plugins to run in the Notes Browser.
Enable ActiveX in Notes BrowserEnable this setting to allow ActiveX controls in the Notes Browser. This setting allows the Notes browser to recognize HTML Object tag references for downloading and installing ActiveX controls.
Accept cookiesEnable this setting to allow users to accept Internet cookies.
Disable View updates as a background taskEnable this setting to disable Notes updating views as a background task. By default, Notes updates views in the background so that users can continue working while Notes performs intensive update tasks.
Process Print requests as a background taskBy default, Notes prints in the foreground and at least momentarily interrupts other work. You can set printing to occur in the background so that users can continue working while Notes performs intensive printing tasks.
Retain View column sortingEnable this setting to enable Notes to allow users to save the way columns sort in databases that allow them to change the sorting (by clicking an arrow in a column heading). For example, this is helpful if a user always wants their mail view sorted with latest messages at the top, or contacts sorted by Business
Enable MS Office 97 SendTo to NotesWhen enabled, this option causes all mail "Send To" commands in Microsoft Office 97 applications to start Notes mail and send the file as an attachment in a mail memo. This option appears if a user has Microsoft Office 97, or certain other Microsoft applications such as Visual Basic, installed. It is not necessary for later releases of Microsoft Office.
Make Notes the default Web browserEnable this setting to make Notes the user's default Web browser. When the users clicks a Web link in another program, the Web page displays in Notes.
Use Web paletteEnable this setting to allow users to use the Web palette. The color palette is the range of colors available to use within a program. The Web palette is 256 colors that most computers can display.
Show extended acceleratorsEnable this setting to allow users to use keyboard accelerators (Windows ALT+keys) to access on-screen elements such as the window tabs and action bars. By default, extended accelerators are turned on.
Enable MIME save warningEnable this setting if you want Notes to notify users when data they want to send over the Internet cannot be converted to MIME format.
Enable Unicode displayEnable this setting is you want users to create or read documents that contain special characters that aren't found on your default keyboard, such as an ae dipthong (æ), a pound sign (£), or a plus/minus sign (±). To see these characters in a document, users may need additional Unicode-based fonts installed on their Windows operating system. Notes comes with five different Monotype WorldType ™ fonts to install directly from the CD-ROM.
Launch the CORBA (DIIOP) server on Preview in web browserThis preference is intended for Domino Designers who preview their designs through the Notes client. When a designer previews any element of a Notes database in a Web browser, Notes launches a limited version of the Domino server to serve the Web page resulting from the element. If the element (for example, a Notes form) contains a Java™ applet created with the Java Notes classes, use this setting to allow Notes to launch a limited version of a CORBA (DIIOP) server to support the applet's classes.
Display Window MenuEnable this setting if you want the Window menu to appear between the Actions and Help menus. Use this menu to switch to any open window, or choose "Windows" to manage open windows.
Standard dialog boxes Enable this setting if you want Notes to show standard operating system dialog boxes. By default, Notes dialog boxes appear with a custom appearance.
Strict Date/Time InputWith the "Strict date/time input" option turned on, Notes does not "guess" at the correct dates and times. With it turned off, Notes "guesses" the date or time you entered once you press TAB or click out of the field. (For example, if someone enters "24/06/2001" in a date field and presses TAB, Notes guesses that they mean "Sat 06/24/2001" and changes it as such.) Notes can "guess" wrong, so having to enter the full date or time ensures greater accuracy.
Use inline autocomplete in the address barEnable this setting if you want a URL to be filled in as a user types characters in the Address box on the toolbar. The displayed URL is based on entries they have previously entered. Typing a single letter displays a listing of all their URLs that begin with that letter.
Use Tab to navigate Read-Only DocumentsEnable this setting if you want to use TAB to move from object to object (for example, linked text, hotspots, document links and so on) in a read-only document. However, with this option enabled, users can no longer use TAB, while reading a document, to navigate to the next document in the view.
Use Accessibility Keyboard navigationEnable this setting if you want accessibility keyboard navigation to disable the up and down arrows and enables users to use TAB to move from field to field in a document that is in edit mode.
Use System ColorsEnable this option to set Notes user interface colors to match, where possible, colors in the scheme specified in the Windows Control Panel - Display - Appearance.
Enable Icon Popup Help in ViewEnable this setting to display popup help for icons.
Expand Names field contents when printingEnable this option to allow users to specify, when printing memos or Calendar entries, whether to print the contents of the entire "To:" or "cc:" fields, or to limit it to three lines. It is disabled by default.
Use Notes (not Web) query syntax in the view search barEnable this option to use Notes syntax instead of Web syntax in the view search bar.
Treat shortcuts as files when selecting in file dialogsEnable this option to control whether a shortcut chosen as the destination location when saving attachments is treated as a regular file, in which case the shortcut will be overwritten by the file being saved, or as a shortcut file, in which case the file being saved overwrites the file location that the shortcut points to. By default, a file being saved to a shortcut location overwrites the file that the shortcut points to.
Do not prompt when marking all documents read or unreadEnable this setting if you do not want Notes to prompt users before marking all documents read or unread. By default, Notes shows which documents you have or have not read in a view. Documents that are new or documents that you have not read have red stars next to their titles in a view. You can mark documents as "read" or "unread" yourself, without having to open the documents.
Do not prompt when closing all currently open windows tabsEnable this setting if you do not want Notes to prompt users before closing the open windows tabs.
Do not prompt when exiting Notes, Domino Designer/AdministratorEnable this option if you do not want Notes to prompt users before exiting any of the Notes and Domino clients. By default, Notes prompts users before exiting the clients. Users can disable the message the first time they are prompted or by setting a Notes preference.
Do not prompt when closing a document with edited attachmentsEnable this setting to prevent Notes from prompting users before closing a document after the user has edited an attachment to that document. Prompting users helps to ensure that changes to the attachment are saved in the Notes document. By default, users see the prompt message.
Optimize pasted image sizeEnable this setting is you want Notes to determine and set the optimum image size for a pasted image.
24. Complete these fields on the Preferences - Window Management tab (This option is not available on the Notes 8 client (basic configuration):
Window managementChoose one:
  • New Window -- Each document opens in a new Notes window.
  • New Tab -- (Default) Each document opens a new window tab in the user's active Lotus Notes window.
  • Grouped Tabs -- Groups documents, such as mail messages, in a single tab. For example, if a users opens mail, a window tab opens. Subsequent messages open in the Mail window tab. A number count displays in the window tab to show how many documents are open.
Display sidebarIf you want to allow the sidebar to display, click Yes.
25. Complete these fields on the Preferences - Regional Settings tab:
Unicode standard sortingClick to enable this option if you want to use the default sorting that applies to Unicode character sets. For information about Unicode character sets, see the Notes client online help.
Calendar view starts onSpecify the day of the week on which the calendar starts.
Date picker starts onSpecify the day of the week to display as the start date in the date picker. For example, if you choose Monday, Monday is the first day of the week that displays in the date picker calendar.
Popup calendar starts onSpecify the day of the week to display as the start date of the week in the popup calendar. The popup calendar is the calendar that displays when you click on a date icon in a calendar entry.
Popup calendar directionSpecify the popup calendar direction, that is, whether dates are presented left-to-right, or right-to-left.
26. Complete these fields on the Preferences - Internet tab:
Internet Mail formatSpecify the Internet mail format to be used for sending messages via the Internet. Choose one:
  • HTML only - Email recipients with Internet-style addresses receive HTML formatted text and graphics. Notes Rich Text would need to be converted to MIME when sent over SMTP and this conversion causes a loss of fidelity if the user's default mail form is set to Rich Text Format. Recipients will receive HTML e-mail if they can read it. If their e-mail program does not support MIME, then they will receive a plain text message.
  • Plain Text only - Mail recipients with Internet-style addresses receive plain text. This is the safest option to use if you are unsure whether recipients of your users' email use a mail program that can read HTML formatted messages or Rich Text Format messages.
  • HTML and Plain Text - When users send email to mail recipients who use e-mail programs that support MIME, those mail recipients receive HTML formatted mail. Mail recipients who have e-mail programs that don't support MIME, will receive plain text. This option is the most versatile.
  • Prompt when sending - Notes prompts users to specify a format each time they send an Internet mail message.
Multilingual Internet mailSpecify the multilingual Internet mail format:
  • Use Unicode (UTF-8) - Unicode is the preferred method of sending messages in multiple languages. Use this option if you think the mail recipients' mail programs can read Unicode character sets.
  • Use Best Match - Use this option if you think the mail recipients' mail programs can not read Unicode character sets.
  • Use Unicode and prompt - This option causes Notes to prompt users when they send a mail message. The prompt allows users to change how they send the message -- from Unicode to Best Match.
  • Use Match and prompt - This option causes Notes to prompt users when they send a mail message. The prompt allows users to change how they send the message -- from Best Match to Unicode.
Internet News formatThese options for news messages control what readers see when they open messages on the newsgroup that were posted by your Notes client users.
  • HTML Only - Recipients with Internet-style addresses see HTML formatted text and graphics.
  • Plain Text only - Recipients with Internet-style addresses see plain text. This is the safest option to make when you are unsure if readers can read HTML formatted messages or Rich Text Format messages.
  • HTML and Plain Text - Newsgroup readers who use programs that support MIME will see HTML formatted text. If a reader uses a program that does not support MIME, they will see plain text. This option is the most versatile.
  • Prompt when sending - Prompts the user to specify the format each time they post to a newsgroup.
Prefix each line withSpecify a character to use as a line prefix.
Wrap lines atSpecify the number of characters that comprise the default line length.
Lotus Notes should check on startup to see that it is my default email programEnable this setting if you want Notes to check as to whether the users has set Notes as their default email program.
27. Specify user mail preferences on the Preferences - Mail tab:
Save sent mailEnable this setting to always save a copy of the user's sent mail messages in their Sent folder.
Sign sent mailEnable this setting if you want all user mail messages digitally signed before they are sent to other Notes users or to users over the Internet. Digital signatures are the computerized equivalent of a handwritten signature, but they are much harder to forge. In Notes, a digital signature is created with the user's private key and then verified with the user's public key.
Encrypt sent mailEnable this setting if you want all user mail messages encrypted before they are sent to other Notes users or to users over the Internet.
Encrypt saved mailEnable this setting if you want user mail encrypted before it is saved in a user's Sent mail folder.
Check for new mailEnable this setting to allow Notes to automatically check for new user mail messages.
Mail checking intervalType the number (of minutes) to set the interval at which Notes checks for new messages.
Show a PopupEnable this setting if you want Notes to display a dialog box when a user has new mail messages.
Play a SoundEnable this setting if you want Notes to play a sound when a user receives a new mail message.
Automatically Refresh InboxEnable this setting to automatically refresh user iNotes. This preference may cause the Inbox to pause while new messages are displayed.
Show an icon in System TrayEnable this setting to display the Notes New Mail icon. This icon appears in the status area of the user's Microsoft® Windows® task bar while Notes is running, just after new mail is received, and disappears as soon as the user access their Inbox.
28. Complete the following fields on the Preferences - Instant Messaging tab:
Show instant messaging status for namesEnable this setting to display online status icons beside names that indicate whether you can use instant messaging to chat with people or include them in instant meetings.
Log onto IBM Lotus Instant Messaging using Single Sign-On (SSO)Enable this setting if you want to enable Single-Sign On for users logging on to instant messaging. When logging on to Notes, users do not need to enter their instant messaging password to establish a connection with the Lotus Instant Messaging server.

Single Sign-On allows users to log on to more than one application with only one password, allows the Notes client to use the instant messaging server's multi-server authentication feature (assuming the instant messaging server is also configured for single sign-on). In other words, if you

Use canonical name for instant messaging status lookupUse this setting to enable the display of online awareness for names when the IBM Lotus Instant Messaging server is configured to lookup Notes canonical hierarchical names (for example CN=John Smith/OU=Sales/O=Acme) instead of Note abbreviated hierarchical names (for example John Smith/Sales/Acme).
Chat TranscriptsChoose one:
  • Do not save transcripts automatically -- Chat transcripts are not saved when the user ends the chat. The user can save the chat manually using the menu functions.
  • Prompt to save transcripts -- When a user closes a chat, the user is prompted as to whether they want to save the chat before closing.
  • Always save transcripts -- All user chat transcripts are saved.
29. Complete these fields on the Preferences - Replication tab:
Field Action
Amount of document that Notes should replicate:Choose one of these settings according to whether you want to control the amount of disk space used by replicated documents:
  • Receive full documents -- Receive entire documents during replication.
  • Receive partial documents -- Receive only partial documents during replication. You also have the option of limiting the size of partial documents and partial document attachments.
  • Receive summary only -- Replicates document summaries only.
Limit document size of partial documentsEnable this setting if you want to limit the size of partial documents when partial documents are being replicated.
Partial document size limitation:Specify the maximum size of a partial document that can be replicated.
Limit attachment size of partial documents:Enable this setting if you want to limit the size of attachments that are included with partial documents being replicated.
Partial document attachment size limitation:Specify the maximum size of attachments that can be included with a partial document being replicated.
Create a full-text index for faster searching:Enable this setting if you want to create a full-text index when a document is replicated.
Encrypt replicas:Specify whether replicas should be locally encrypted or not encrypted. For more information about encryption, see the topic Encryption.
Encrypt usingIf you chose to locally encrypt replicas, this field appears. Choose one of these encryption strengths to apply to replicas:
  • Strong Encryption - provides the strongest protection. Choose this option when security requirements are paramount and the resulting database access performance is acceptable.
  • Medium Encryption - provides the right balance among security, strength, and fast database access. This level is probably the right choice for most users.
  • Simple Encryption - provides protection against casual snooping.
When to create replicas:Specify whether to create replicas immediately or to wait until the next scheduled replication. For information about scheduled replication, see the topic Scheduling times for replication
Normal priority replication: Click this checkbox if you want to set a normal priority replication schedule. You can then specify the schedule details in the remaining fields that apply to normal replication.
Replicate daily between:Specify the times to call the server for normal daily replication. You can specify an exact time, such as 10:00 AM, or you can specify a time period, such as 5:30 PM - 7:00 AM.
Repeat every:Specify the number of minutes between calls to the server for normal replication. For example, to call the server every 15 minutes, specify 15. To call the server only one time, specify 0 (zero).
Days of week:Select one of more days of the week on which you want this normal replication schedule applied.
High priority replication:Click this checkbox if you want to set a high priority replication schedule. You can then specify the schedule details in the remaining fields that apply to high priority replication.
Replicate daily between:Specify the times to call the server for high priority daily replication. You can specify an exact time, such as 10:00 AM, or you can specify a time period, such as 5:30 PM - 7:00 AM.
Repeat every:Specify the number of minutes between calls to the server for high priority replication. For example, to call the server every 15 minutes, specify 15. To call the server only one time, specify 0 (zero).
Days of week:Select one of more days of the week on which you want this high priority replication schedule applied.
Replicate when the user starts the client:Click this checkbox if you want to replication to occur each time the user starts the client. If you enable this setting, choose one of these:
  • Prompt before replicating - Prompt the user before initiating the replication process.
  • Don't prompt - Begin replicating without prompting the user.
Replicate when the user shuts down the client:Click this checkbox if you want replication to occur each time the user shuts down the client.
30. On the Preferences - Network Ports tab, for each network port setting that applies, specify whether or not to compress the data that between Notes and the Domino server.

31. On the Diagnostics tab, if you want to enable automatic diagnostic collection on clients, complete these fields:
Mail-in database for diagnostic reportsClick the arrow in the field and then select the database to which the diagnostic reports from client crashes are to be mailed and then click OK.
Prompt user to send diagnostic reportChoose one of these:
  • Yes -- (Default) Choose Yes to have the user prompted as to whether they want to send a diagnostic report to the mail-in database after a client crash.
  • No -- Choose No to make this feature transparent to the user. The diagnostic report is automatically sent to the mail-in database by a background process.
Prompt user for commentsChoose one of these:
  • Yes -- Choose Yes to display to the user, a message box in which they can enter information as to what they were doing when the client crashed. Choose Yes only if you chose Yes in the "Prompt user to send diagnostic report" field.
  • No -- Choose No to prevent the user from entering any comments.
Maximum size of diagnostic message including attachments (in MB)Specify the maximum size of the diagnostic message, including attachment. The default value is 5 MB.
Maximum size of NSD output to attach (in MB)Specify the maximum amount of NSD output data to attach to the message. The default value is 2 MB.
Maximum amount of console output file to attach (in KB) Use the default value of 10240, or enter another value between 10mb and 1kb. 10240 is the upper limit. This value represents the portion of the CONSOLE.LOG file to be sent, beginning with the end of the file and moving toward the beginning of the file.
Diagnostic file patterns:Enter a file name pattern that Domino will search for. If the pattern is located and it is listed in the file, DIAGINDEX.NBF, the file will be attached to the message that is sent to the mail-in database. DIAGINDEX.NBF contains all of the files associated with the crashing instance of the client or server. For example, the following is a file pattern: addin_log*.txt. These files would be located based on that pattern:addin_log1.txt, addin_log_2004_11_23@16_21_20.txt, etc...
Remove diagnostic files after a specified number of daysChoose one of these:
  • No -- (Default) Choose No to accept the default of never automatically deleting the diagnostic files on the client.
  • Yes -- Choose Yes to enter the number of days after which the diagnostic files are to be deleted from the client. Displays the field "Number of days to keep diagnostic files."
Number of days to keep diagnostic filesAccept the default value of 365 days, or enter another value representing the number of days after which the diagnostic files are to be deleted from the client. (This field displays only if you chose Yes for the "Remove diagnostic files after a specified number of days.")
For more information about automatic diagnostic collection on clients, see the topic Collecting diagnostic information after a server or client crash.

32. Save the document.

For information about user preferences, see Lotus Notes 8 Help.

See also