Tip The easiest way to set up any type of location is to click Tools > Client Reconfiguration Wizard from the main menu, and answer the questions IBM® Lotus® Notes® asks, letting Notes automatically create or edit the Location document. The wizard also creates any necessary server Connection or Account documents for the type of connection method you are configuring.
During installation, Notes automatically creates four Location documents: Home, Offline, Online, and Travel. During configuration, Notes populates these Location documents, as well as any necessary Connection or Account documents, based on information you supply.
If you must create or edit a location manutally, click File > Locations > Manage Locations.
Additional Help
For popup help on filling in fields in Location documents, click a field name and hold.
If you need more help, see the following topics:
Information you will need
You might need to ask your Domino administrator for the following information before you can fill in the fields in the docuemnt:
See Also