TeamRoom Team Member Profile
TeamRooms typically have a specific, defined list of participants. Team Member Profiles allow members of large teams, who may not know each other, to find out about other team participants. They also contain contact information for each participant, making it easy to contact "external" team members whose phone numbers or e-mail addresses may not be readily available to other team members. They also provide the addressing information for newsletter profiles, as well as the listing of individuals for Action Item assignments, Reviewers assignments, and the Meeting attendees field in the Main Document form.

Team member Profiles are typically created by the Team Facilitator during the initial TeamRoom Setup. Team Member Profiles may be edited, added, or deleted at any time by the Team Facilitator as the team evolves. Profiles may be marked Active or Inactive. An Inactive status removes that person from any pull-down menus in TeamRoom. To change status, the Team Facilitator should edit the profile, make the appropriate selections, then save the profile.

Note Members who have hierarchical IDs must be identified in the TeamRoom by their hierarchical names; if they are not, they will not be able to review documents.

See Also